1        Evaluation

To evaluate large-scale perspectives, their related concepts, and local projects in relation to each other, a common legend and vocabulary is required by which existing situations and plans on different levels of scale can be compared. Such a vocabulary is developed for the Metropolitan Debate [Jong, 1998 #410][1] and summarized below.


The concept of ‘metropolis’ changes in time. Amsterdam in the 17th century was a world city of  100,000 inhabitants in a radius of approximately one kilometre, a built-up area now we would call a village. One can describe a metropolis functionally, structurally or morphologically. The concept of function, however, is senseless without a presupposed structure, a set of separations and connections, specializations and integrations, within which the function is fullfilled.

Structure on its turn cannot be imagined without a form, a state of dispersion of components in space.


Functionally we can follow the description of Frieling: a concentration of population where decisions of high quality can been made quickly, is a metropolis. The meant quality concerns the social feasability (public support) and (to the mondial top of the pyramid of decisions) a world-wide (metropolitan) tenor. It supposes spatial and temporal freedom of choice. Such freedom, however, presupposes an urban and rural diversity in use and experience. Freedom, sustainable possibilities of choice, and diversity are on their turn conditions for decisions of high quality.

A structural description concerns the connections and separations of the inhabitants, making that freedom of choice in space and time acually possible. The inhabitants should be able to reach eachother easily, in the same time not causing trouble to eachother. The connections are often emphasised, the necessary separations are often forgotten. The combat against criminality, the risk- and watermanagement, the demands of the environment, the defence of privacy, often require spatial, ecological, technical, economic, cultural or administrative separations (distances, dikes, fences, walls, entrance fees, financial, informational or legal barriers). Emphasising connections, one could describe a metropolis as an urban area with an underground railway. A city covering, largely underground traffic facility is an indicator of a public need for horizontal connection and vertical separation in a metropolis.


In this manual, however, I choose a morphological definition: a metropolis is a residential area of 10 million inhabitants within a radius of 30 kilometer. These nominal measures should be interpreted elasically. By ‘30km’ for example I mean a value between 10 and 100km. Such a logarithmic margin concerns any measure below including population numbers. By this morphological definition, functions, their unpredictable dynamics and supposed structures are not considered themselves, but their possibility on the basis of any state of dispersion (form) are. This kind of description also applies to networks and green areas like landscapes (areas with less than 1 million inhabitants within a radius of 30km), landscape parks (less than 100,000 inhabitants within a radius of 10km), citylandscapes (less than 10,000 inhabitants within a radius of 3km) and so on. By that, such areas become comparable and their composition becomes debatable[i].


1.a                      State of dispersion

In the figure below, globally and tentatively the population of Paris, London and the Randstad are indicated by circles of 1,000,000 and 100,000 people. These circles in the scale of the drawing have got a determined measure of 10km (‘agglomeration’ in a morphological sense) and 3km (‘city’), because they represent quite well the urban area needed in the Netherlands by these populations (approximately 300m2/inhabitant).  When the circles overlap, the population density is apparently higher than elsewhere on average in the Netherlands. Through that the density and state of dispersion within any arbitrary boundary is directly visually readable from drawing. Concepts of density by this representation are automatically articulated to different levels of scale. ‘Regional density’ (density within a radius of 30km), ’agglomeration density’ (10km¤[2]), ‘urban density' (3km¤) en so on, are different concepts of density after all[ii]. In the drawings below, several ‘villages’ are swept together to one ‘virtual city’ of 100,000 inhabitants (dotted) each time, to represent the total population of the region.



Figuur 1 Paris, London, Randstad


1.a.1                   Open spaces

Subsequently in a region within a radius of 30 kilometre one can find directly and visually areas with less than 1,000,000 people (‘landscapes’ in a morphological sense). If that is impossible, one can perhaps find areas with less than 100,000 people within a 10km radius (‘landscape parks’)  or areas with less than 10,000 inhabitants within a 3km radius (‘city landscapes’).  Drawing them as green circles, the composition of the region is expressed with enough freedom of interpretation to further design and on the other hand enough accuracy to evaluate important effects. This ‘pointillistic’ representation not only suits an interpretation of the existing situation, but also the interpretation of changes and more global concepts. The difference between two compositions in this legend satisfies the requirements to analyse spatial, ecological, technical, economical, cultural and administrative impacts.

This way, in the Randstad one can distinguish 5 potential ‘national landscapes’: the ‘Venen’, the ‘Vechtplassen’-area and the northern, southern and eastern ‘Waarden’ (see the figure of Randstad above). That’s why we spoke about a ‘Green Metropolis’ and when the recent demands for water area are rewarded we will speak about a Deltametropolis.


The Green Heart, however, becomes more and more red. In the figure below the development between 1965 and 1990 is summarized. The drawing in the middle is a tentative interpretation of the situation in 1965, the drawing right of 1995 and the drawing left shows the real difference.



Figuur 2 Randstad development between 1965 and 1990


The Randstad in 1965 consisted of the well-organized regions Amsterdam and Rotterdam, separated bij the river Oude Rijn between Leyden en Utrecht, old Dutch university cities like Oxford and Cambridge. The Green Hart with its ‘villages’ (10,000 inh. within 1km¤) was only interrupted by Gouda. In the figure most right the agglomerations from the drawing in paragraph 1.2 are shown more in detail as ‘city sectors’ (100,000 inh.) or contiguous ‘districts’ and dispersed ‘villages’ (10,000 inh.).


To spare the landscape, the sprawl was controlled by the strategy of ‘Bundled Concentration’ since the Second National Plan of Spatial Policy[3] in 1966 and by the strategy of ’Compact City’ since the Third National Plan of Spatial Policy[4] in 1983. In the figure below, 3 strategies are represented by which an agglomeration of 1,000,000 inhabitants could grow by 100,000 inhabitants.



Figuur 3 Possibilities of extension, dispersion and describing agglomerations



Concentration (C) in a radius of 30km leaves unimpeded a possibility of Deconcentration (D) in a radius of 10km and the reverse. There are 4 ‘accords’ then: C30kmC10km (Double Condensation), C30kmD10km, (Compact City), D30kmC10km (Bundeled Deconcentration) en D30kmD10km (Double Sprawl). Double Sprawl fragments the landscape in smaller green city landscapes than the other accords (horizon free landscapes of 30km radius or landscape parks of 10km radius offering runback to the cities). Bundled Deconcentration (DC) breaks up the landscape in landscape parks. Compact urbanization (CD) spares the landscape, and condensation within a radius of 10km (CC) hardly contributes[iii].


The spatial impact analysis here is directly viualized. The myth of an important contribution by condensation on agglomeration level can be unmasked by this representation. A thought experiment may clarify that. The Dutch population (16,000,000 inh.) could be concentrated in 15 nationally regularly dispersed agglomerations. National deconcentration than is combined with regional concentration leaving unbuilt 10 horizon free landscapes with or without condensation on the level of the agglomeration. Bundled Deconcentration, however, would break up such landscapes[iv].

1.a.2                   Networks

Scale articulated reasoning carried further to connections leads to the next legend[v]:










exit interval

width 1%







km nominally

m nominally


m nominally

















continental highway








national highway








regional highway








local highway








city highway



Figuur 4 Scale articulation of networks


The density of exits or crossings on the own level is normative for network density. This unit has more relation with ride length than with traffic intensity. In connection with the red and green legend one can imagine their superposition as follows:



Figuur 5 Superposition of networks


Superposition of the higher order over the lower order, the density of the lower order decreases[vi].

By superposing the wet connections over or under the drye connections, both networks interfere (interference). This can be done in different ways. Separating instead of bundling them fragments space more. The diversity of interference has important ecological and cultural identity impacts.

1.a.3                   The functional charge of form and size

Form, size and structure of components are conditions for the function of the urban area and its surroundings, though function can be the historical cause of form and structure.



Figuur 6 Functional charge of open space



In the figure above H+N+S shows possibilities of use by animals and men conditioned by form and size of green areas. The possibilities of use of red areas conditioned by form and size could be schematized in the same way, but the figure would become very large and complicated[vii].

1.b                     Evaluating local projects in national concepts

Individual projects increasingly come into conflict with national and regional concepts creating conditions for other functions in a more remote future. Because economic considerations are most decisive, projects, their costs and regional concepts have to be visualized in the same drawing. In the figure below left urbanization is represented in terms of existing capital (€ 500,000,000/big spot 300m¤, €50,000,000/small spot 100m¤) and investment in new projects (open spots in the figure left).




Figuur 7 Urban capital in spots of €500,000,000

Figuur 8 Perspective ‘Stedenland’



The urban capital in the Netherlands amounts to approximately €500,000,000/km2. This coincidence opens the possibility to fill the urban area with a grid of 300m¤ spots every km. By that, the  real surface is nearly exacly covered with the figures of the national accounts. In the visualized national accounts the capital stored in infrastructure is nearly lost compared with the capital, invested in built-up area. The broader perspective of national concepts represented in the earlier explained legend can be layed over this existing and projected capital to weigh them visually. In the figure above right, the perspective ‘Stedenland’[5] as a basis of the 5th National spatial policy plan[6] is quantitatively interpreted that way[viii]. The thickness of the lines represents the estimated administrative and financial effort. The existing situation then can be drawn by the thinnest lines.

The perspective of ‘Stedenland’ contains a number of presuppositions about the future material and social context summarized in the opposite diagram, important to evaluation. It supposes national active (!) and regional following (?) administration. The traditional (<) view of well-bordered cities on (sub)national level contrasts with the supposed regionally experimental culture (>) of high density urban areas contrasting with empty rural areas. The plan is made in the expectation of (sub)national economic growth (+), national specialization (/, ‘distribution country’), functionally all-round regions (x), and (sub)­national ecological diversity. In the lowest line the expected dispersion accord CCCDD (compact city) can be recognized.


Figuur 9 Presuppositions about the future




To reach a quick and high-quality decision making worthy of a metropolis, projects should be placed in a perspective on the appropriate level of scale[7]. This makes them comparable, necessary to social and material evaluation[ix].

1.b.1                   An example of 3 designs made accessible for evaluation

In 2001 the design bureaus TKA, Hosper and H+N+S made designs for a district in Almere. The project contained approximately 50,000 new inhabitants.







Figuur 10 Three plans for Almere Pampus




The designs had to be compared and evaluated ecologically, technically and economically. The plans, however, varied in legend and capacity. Firstly they were redrawn in the above described legend by spots of 1,000 inhabitants (100m¤), giving some idea of the form (state of dispersion) and difference in local density. The frame of the figures below is 10 x 10km.


TKA  58,000 inh.

Hosper 53,000 inh.

H+N+S 44,000 inh.


Figuur 11 Three plans interpreted for evaluations


Next they were ‘interpolated’ or ‘extrapolated’ to the same capacity to make the ecological comparison fair. A ‘zero-variant’ was added.



TKA ‘living’

Hosper ‘recreation’

H+N+S ‘nature’


Figuur 12 Interpolation and extrapolation to 4 views of 50,000 inh.


The interpolation (extrapolation) required some redesign, especially when locally higher or lower densities were ne­cessary. The design of TKA even lost a neighbourhood over the western dike by that intervention. The Zero-variant represents a nearly homogeneous living, recreation, and nature environment. The designs give possibilities of morphological, structural and functional differentiation. The TKA design included space for offices and business, while the other designs did not. They were added in the other designs so the land use figures on the level of the district became the same.

1.b.2                   Application

To compare and evaluate plans, strategies or projects easily in a decision process, they have to be drawn in the same way. Quantitive data and their location should be read from drawing visually at a glance. In the above paragraps a method is given to reach that aim in a design relevant way. In all exercises such a ‘programme check’ is obligatory. The ‘perspective sjabloon’ gives a possibility to calculate the surfaces easily only by filling in the blank values. In the example below the perspective ‘ruimtedruk’ is filled-in.




“within district”




total surface Delta-metropolis

of which distributable living


public infrastructure





































''district area''
















central urban
































green urban
































rural area
















work area

































Figuur 13 Dispersion of functions within 6 categories of districts





dwelling occupation






















































central urban
































green urban
































rural area
















work area

































Figuur 14 The same as Figuur 13 in relative measures


The accompanying table ‘ruimtevraag’ is automatically adapted. The filled-in surfaces will be found back in the involved column, translated in concerning circles to be drawn in the programme check.













Surface living area in km2





Own persp.
















central urban










































green urban










































rural area





















work area











































Figuur 15 Spots to draw in different perspectives


To meet better the dispersion characteristics of the design, a circle of 3km¯ can be represented as 10 circles of 1km¯, a circle of 1km¯ as 10 of 300m¯. The colour of living areas should be red, not devided in ‘central urban’, ‘urban’ and so on, because the sprawl of locations tells that story already.

The colours should instead represent the other tables of ‘ruimtevraag’: work (purple), infrastructure (grey), green (green), eventually divided in parks, sport, recreation, nature and agriculture (increasing lighter tints of green to yellow or white) and water (blue).


Draw the existing situation (2000) in thin lines, and make the proposed new projects recognizable with thicker lines according to the expected financial effort, found in the ‘perspectiefsjaboon’.

1.c                      Environmental criteria for evaluation

There are four national policy documents with environmental criteria for plans on different levels of scale from the Ministries VROM[8], LNV[9] and V&W[10]:



Some of these policies are elaborated in a regional policy. The RIVM[11] is supposed to test plans on the subjects of health, environment and nature. I will summarize some of the criteria.



Figuur 16 Four current national plans concerning the environment


1.c.1                    Space

The claims as mentioned in the 5th National Plan of Spatial Policy [VROM, 2 001b #840] are summarized below left. The expected shrinkage of agriculture surface cannot compensate the growth of other claims to the needed zero on the fixed surface of Deltametropolis. So, many claims will not be satisfied or perhaps be solved in space-saving combinations. From the drawing on page 135 of the mentioned plan one can count the claims in the Deltametropolis. Below right these claims are expressed in km2 and in circles of 1 and 3km occupying the same surface[x].















km radius








































nature, recr & sport

































Figuur 17 Claims derived from the national plan



These circles are drawn at size in the figure below right as described in the ‘Manual how to make perspectives and projects accessible for evaluation’. So, 10 circles of 3km radius are put together to 1 circle of 10km radius. In the same way one can ’decompose’ any circle in 10 smaller ones to picture more precisely the location, eventually till the picture has reached a photographic halftone appearance with countable spots in different colours (pointillistic representation). This representation for instance shows at a glance the living environments of metropolitan, agglomeration or urban centre (1km¯[12] or 10,000 people surrounded by 30, 10 or 3km urban area), urban outskirts (1km¯ outside the centre in at least 3km¯ urban area not bordering on green areas of the same size), green urban areas (such an urban outskirt bordered on at least 1km¯ green area), village (1km¯ surrouded by green areas of the same size) or rural (0.3km¯ or 1.000 people surrouded by green areas of at least 1km¯) and the number op people enjoying such living environments[xi].




Figuur 18 Claims dispersed over the surface [VROM, 2 001b #840] page 135

Figuur 19 The same claims compared with the existing sprawl of cities and villages in Deltametropolis


With the stock of too much paint indicated in the right figure below we can picture many different perspectives of a future Deltametropolis. We necessarily have to omit claims. The perspectives will not only differ in the specific claims they accept or disappoint, but also in the way each colour is concentrated in larger units in favour of their own function or dispersed in smaller ones in favour of synergy with other functions. Projects should support this own function or on the other hand synergy.

1.c.2                    Nature

The National Plan of Nature Policy [LNV, 2 000a #810] publishes on page 25 of its programme the newest version of the accompanying map.


Deltametropolis counts three robust connections[xii]:

  • Randstadgroenstuctuur,
  • Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie en Stelling van Amsterdam, and
  • the robust ecological connection between Biesbos and IJmeer.


The biological identity of dispersed natural areas and projects in a large part of Deltametropolis from this programme and their role as aimed nature type (natuurdoeltype) is elaborated by the Province of Zuid-Holland and clearly represented on the Internet bij W. Heijligers[13]. On the accompanying map one can zoom in to the level of the nature projects[xiii].




Figuur 20 [LNV, 2 000a #810] page 25 of its programme




Perspectives and projects are evaluated in the way urban areas in the Deltametropolis reflect this diversity and biological identity.




Figuur 21 Ecological infrastructure in South-Holland

Figuur 22 Quadrant South-East Delft




The basic ecological criterion for evaluation is global diversity lo leave possibilities open for future life. Diversity on a high level of scale is operational as rarity (as strong identity) on a lower level[xiv].


Perspectives and projects are evaluated on the preservation and production of worldwide (10,000km¯), European (1000km¯) and national (100km¯) rarity of objects[14]. So, rarity can be expressed in km¯. The second criterion, important for planning and design is replacebility of removed objects, expressed in years. It evaluates the possibility of compensation of rare objects. Once rarity of natural and artificial objects is determined on different levels of scale, they can be evaluated with regard to their replacebility.


In Figuur 23 living areas of 1km¯ or 0.3km¯ designed and named by TKA TKA (2001), Hosper Hosper (2001) and H+N+S H+N+S (2001) in Almere [Jong, 2001 #82] are located in a diagram for evaluation.



Figuur 23 Rarity and replacebility of natural and artificial objects


The product of both gives an ecological value for comparison and subsequent evaluation. Natural areas are represented generally more right in the diagram, because they are less replaceble than the mentioned artificial objects.

1.c.3                    Physical environment and water

The 4th National Plan of Watermanagement Policy [V&W, 1998c #829] (stressing environment), and its last successor ‘Anders omgaan met water’[V&W, 2 000b #832] (stressing security) mark a change from accent on a clean to a secure environment, just as the 4th National Plan of Environmental Policy [VROM, 2 001a #839] compared with its predecessors[xv]. Several floodings in The Netherlands and elsewhere in Europe has focused the attention on global warming and watermanagement. The future problems and proposed solutions are summarized in the figures below[xvi].


In Figuur 24 above most left, global warming, in the figure right the ground descend of the western and northern part of the Netherlands are shown.

Bottom most left, different scenarios of temperature increase, right of it, the expected increase of precipitation in winter and decilne in summer are shown.




Figuur 24 Expected problems [V&W, 2 000b #832]

Figuur 25 Strategies: 1 care, 2 store, 3 drain



The storage of water requires heavy surface claims. The lowest areas collect water and pollution, so local altitude lines, waterlevels and drain systems fix the possibilities and risks for nature and human living. They have to be listed. Relatively high locations favour both as concurrent functions. Lower areas are more suited for water.

In the short term energy saving by concentration is important to stop global warming, in the long term sunlight will provide enough electric energy to sustain the current worldwide demand several times.

The best indicator of a clean environment is the presence of rare nature. Its greatest thread is no longer the city but intensive agriculture.

1.d                     Critical remarks

As the perception of the environment of the '60’s has been transformed into objectives and implemen­ted into regulations, there is hardly a way for critical reflection. The original objectives lead technical, economical, cultural and political lives which stand so much on their own that questioning their pertinency will not be tolerated. In my perception though, when building is concerned, these measures as they are focused on independently conceived environmental objectives do not bring about any noticeable ecological effects. They bear more reference to publicity generating ambitions of local administrators than to finding a solution to the ecological crisis. These admini­strators exploit myths that have become self-evident as a cultural inheritance of the protest generation. And as far as the administrators do not bear their roots in this protest generation, its members occupy key positions on a large scale as civil servants, managers and scientists of environment.


Culture is the whole of non-explicit presuppositions in communication

Science will break through this silence. I distrust the casualness of unspoken presuppositions and will make an attempt to demythologize them on the basis of some challenging propositions which are presented as paragraph titles. I hope that by doing so, more effective measures  for the long term future come to the fore.

1.d.1                   There are no other ecological problems but the deterioration of globally valid biodiversity and human health

World population doubled over the last 40 years from about 2.5 to 5 billion while the area that can be used for agriculture has decreased with 10 % ( mainly resulting from erosion) from about 17 to 15 million km2. Space available for cereals has decreased from about 0.2 to 0.1 hectare per inhabitant[15]. Something similar can be expected again within the next 40 years. Production per hectare however has increased from about 1000 kg to 2500 kg over the last 40 years (green revolution), though this beneficial development came to a halt by the end of the '80s. This also attributes to causing renewed erosion. Despite of this, Brundtland c.s. (1987) assumes a continued growth reaching 5000 kg/ha while the area for agriculture remains equal. It is desirable and possible that we'll experience this during the 40 years to come, but it is not very probable.


The nature of this enormous pressure on our natural environment is loss of global space and quality through the loss of biotopes (prospects for next generations). The deficit and loss of biotopes for humans and other life forms leads to two fundamental environmental problems:

health problems (that can be measured in terms of mortality among a human population) and problems of biodiversity (that can be measured in terms of the decreasing number of species and genetic diversity within every species). Every environmental issue (such as acidification, overfertilization, drought, etc.) can be deducted to these fundamental themes when one keeps on asking long enough: "and why is this so serious?". It is the common denominator upon which the severity of environmental problems and the ecological effect of environmental measures can be judged. Why is the loss of species and depreciation of biodiversity a serious matter ? Biodiversity is life's insurance. During evolution life has survived numerous catastrophes through its diversity. There was always a species, or a specimen that could survive. What we are doing at this very moment is not only causing big environmental catastrophes, but undermining the capacity of life itself to withstand such environmental changes . We deplete the quality reserves of life, i.e. its diversity. Through surface smoothing, drainage and constant overfertilization, the capacity of nature to conserve and develop its diversity is taken away from her. The rate of global extinction of species is about to increase from 3 to 4 per day (some say it is even 6 per hour); normal generation rates of new species are estimated to be one each year. The main cause of this is the loss of biotopes. As yet the gain of biotopes is marginal. For just a few species we optimize the largest areas as monocultures for the benefit of a little number of species and clones that are useful to the human race and that rapidly and easily oust deviant specimen and species. It is especially in this case that (urban) building can provide solutions in design that will act at the heart of any environmental problem.


Most environmental measures commonly in use these days in building, hardly contribute to solve these fundamental problems. At the same time, measures that could substantially contribute are not implemented.

1.d.2                   Depletion of resources (fossil fuels among them) is not an ecological but an industrial problem

On a global scale depletion is not an issue. After all, no matter is lost, it is merely distributed in a chemically altered composition and therefor exploitation becomes more difficult and will involve higher energy costs. Hence, the image of the earth burning itself up like a candle is scientifically seen a fraud. What indeed is running out are biotopes for humans, plants and animals, and this is partly due to proliferation, contamination, and acidification. The erroneous definition of the problem of depletion inhibits considering effective solutions.

1.d.3                   There is sufficient energy, also on the very long term

The Netherlands, the continental shelf included, (estimated area 80 000 km2) catches an amount of solar energy (annual average of 100 MW/km2 : 8 TW) almost equal to the total amount consumed by the world economy (10 TW), The Netherlands uses less than 1 % (0.075 TW) of this. When a photovoltaic cell has an efficiency of 10 %, then 10 % of the total surface of the Netherlands will be sufficient for today's national energy supply. The area for agriculture takes up 30 % at this moment, of which only 20 % is essential in order to be agriculturally self support­ing. Agriculture can be regarded as the exploitation of biological solar cells with an efficiency of 1 %.


The photovoltaic cell has been reduced in price by a factor 14 since 1975 (from US$ 70 to US$ 5 per Watt installed). Again a factor 8 and it will get by the economic efficiency of fossil fuels.

The last mile is the longest one. This involves how­ever a kind of technical problem ("neatly slicing sand") that has never been left unsolved over the last two centuries. In terms of efficiency, the con­ver­sion of solar light into electricity (in particular when viewed in combination with an environ­mentally sound version of the heat pump) will outperform other types of solar options, including wind as transformed solar energy.

1.d.4                   Ecologically, building has more favourable than adverse effects

That (urban) building after all has been said and done, has a favourable effect on human health, nobody will deny. Without houses, there would be less survivors. Why is this positive effect on the human environ­ment never taken into account in the analysis of the effects of building activities ?

Last year it was estimated that within the city boundaries of Amsterdam half (800 species) of the entire Netherlands natural flora can be found. In the, 30-years old, new town Zoetermeer some 500 self generating natural plant species were counted. This has brought forward the question if certain priorities in wild life protection should not be positioned in the urban environment. These favourable effects on the environment are not taken into account, while the adverse effects of other sectors then building such as soil contamination, and water and air pollution (as they coincidentally occur within the boundaries of the urban environment) are attributed to the effects of (urban) building and for which it is deemed that solutions can be partly found within the field of (urban) building. Solving problems of other sectors through (urban) building technology measures (e.g. through the heavily propagated autarkic water systems) is however little effective. It will lead to an endearing "city ecology" which, full of ideals from the '60s will burden itself with too many problems, but will have next to nothing to do with ecology and will neglect the potentials of its own discipline. The same effort directed towards the quality of the built environment itself can have a much larger ecological impact. When a building as a result of its architectural quality or flexibility will stay in place for a twice as long period, the environ­mental effectiveness will be doubled. If building a city by using smart urban building technology will yield twice the number of wild species in the same ratings of rarity as there were before the city was built, the environmental effectiveness of surface area will be twice as high.


If we would cast our fishing nets the other side of our boat when building, the environmental effect of our profession could well be much higher. The catch on the side of encouraging beneficial contribu­tions is more bountiful than the one on the side of limiting adverse contributions. This means that life saving cities should be built for the massive flight of this era towards the city, and that these cities should be built in such a way that at the same time new biotopes for plants and animals will result.

1.d.5                   The environmental effectiveness per unit of prosperity should increase with 2000%

According to Ehrlich and later Speth[16] the total environmental pressure D matches the size of the population B, its level of prosperity W, and the environmental effectiveness per unit of prosperity M :

D =


x W

x M

In whatever way these factors are composed, one could imagine that changes within the next forty years will be something like[17]:


1/2 =





World population will double. The Brundtland committee[18] started from the concept that this world population and in particular its underdeveloped part should be able to develop towards an acceptable level of prosperity. As about 75 % of the worlds population is underdeveloped, it may be assumed that despite the possible decrease in prosperity for a wealthy minority, the global prosperity level  (W) as whole will increase with a factor 5, considering the necessary immense increase in prosperity for the rest of the world population. This development will, according to this committee, nevertheless need to encompass current demands without limiting the possibilities of future generations to fulfil their own needs (the original meaning of the concept of "sustainable development").


To halve the environmental pressure D in order to regenerate the prospects that we have come across, the environmental effectiveness per unit of prosperity should be improved with a factor 20. In numerous technological sectors this is thought to be attainable[19]. One could compare, for example, the reduction in space and energy of electronic calculators over the last 20 years.

1.d.6                   Building will never reach more than 300 % as long as favourable effects are not optimized

If one thinks in terms of the existing environmental perception of "depletion, deterioration, and pollution" then none of the current (urban) technology measures will attain the required factor of 20. Most of them (such as saving 20 % on the thickness of window casings will not reach beyond a factor 1.2 . In a very optimistic estimation, an urban building plan could achieve a factor 3, but a factor 1.5 sounds more realistic[20]. Nevertheless, a factor  20 can be achieved when recycling instead of thriftiness is our point of departure, and when for the sake of this we would not worry too much about the energy concerned.

1.d.7                   One sided emphasis on thriftiness inhibits considering solutions by design

Departing from the idea that the energy problem can be solved, the only option that can attain a factor 20 is sectional building, i.e. designing building sections in such a manner that they can be used again in various future architectural conceptions. The Roman brick concept has been used again and again for 13 centuries. Such a depreciation period is over 20 times that of a modern building. Sectional building is however material and energy intensive and has the right to be so. This solution lays outside an environmental perception that is primarily based on cutting environmental costs. Who walks trough a broad-leaved forest in autumn and sees the forest throwing away all its solar collectors every year, will have great difficulty continuing to say that we learned the myth of thriftiness from nature itself. Proposing something similar for building would meet with howls of derision. Nevertheless, such ideas can clear our future.

1.d.8                   Phases of increasing ecological quality

The first fases of improving ecological quality were the efforts of "environmental care" and "environmental technology". These phases are not enough to reach a state of "sustainable building". Therefore we need to solve the fossil fuel problem by "solar energy". That is a precondition for the "sectional building" fase. Having solved the problem of building materials in this way, we can start to think about a kind of "ecological building" that has really something in common with ecology.

Before every effort the improvement of architectonical quality itself is of great importance for sustainable building.

1.d.9                   Designing a diversity of possible futures

From an ecological viewpoint the probable future is so bleak, that we can put our hopes only in improbable, yet possible futures, in any case more desirable ones.

We can not predict these futures because they are improbable: we can only design them. Making one single design won't be good enough. The edges of what is possible can only be explored by designing different and unlikely possibilities, maximally separated from one another. In this span of what is possible today rests the freedom of choice of tomorrow.


The future is impredictable for fundamental reasons, as long as we believe in the freedom of choice. We cannot predict future choices, but we can make them possible by diversity. Impredictability is only overruled by diversity. That is the reason why we were preceded by the evolution of biodiversity.


At six billion people, fearing technics and technology provides bad advice.

1.e                     Sustaining design

Creativity means leaving out at least one self evident supposition. We found a systematic way to examine hidden presuppositions in science and technology. We temporarily call it 'conditional analysis' and use it in ecology, design, education and in making computer programs. It has more to do with possibilities than with probabilities or necessities[21]. It gives some insight in the boundaries of imagination and thus design.


It is based on the simple comparison[22] of two concepts A and B, putting the question 'could you imagine A without B?' and the reverse question. Temporarily we take in consideration only the pairs of concepts that make possible a different answer on both questions.

As soon as we can imagine A without B but B not without A we call A a (semantic) condition for B. As soon as we find a concept C that we cannot imagine without B but B without C we can, we have semantically a 'conditional range' of concepts ABC out of which the hypothesis emerges that we cannot imagine C without A, but in the reverse we can. Though introspective, these comparisons turned out to give consensus based on a possibility of falsification[23].


Let us for instance conditionally compare the ecological concepts Abiotic, Biotic and Cultural phenomena (A, B and C). I cannot imagine cultural phenomena without biotic (because culture presupposes at any time living people and functioning brains), but biotic phenomena without cultural I can (for instance plants[24]). I cannot imagine biotic phenomena without abiotic phenomena, but abiotic phenomena without biotic I can (for instance light, air, water, soil). So the hypotheses to be controlled are: 'I cannot imagine cultural phenomena without abiotic phenomena, but abiotic phenomena without cultural I can.'. If we confirm that hypotheses we can draw a conditional scheme like this[25]:


It seems to be a Venn diagram out of set-theory. But it is not, because set-theory presupposes more than the concept of presupposition itself. It presupposes for example the concept of 'element' and any equality of the elements (according to the criterion of the set)[26].


A semantic Venn diagram does not yet need these and perhaps other presuppositions. The drawn borders are no inward formulated borders of sets and elements, but outward boundaries of eventually vague and continuous conception.


The ABC model represents phenomena outside culture, but is itself a concept and thus culture.


Figuur 26 The ABC model


This raises the philosophical question whether there is any difference between 'preconception' (presupposition, assumption) and 'precondition' (prerequisite) at all. The environmental crisis taught us however that there appeared preconditions for life we did not preconceive beforehand. We consider 'environment' in an ecological sense as the set of conditions for life, known or yet unknown.

1.e.1                   Anthropocentric and ecocentric thinking

Let us now try to draw two very different ecological presuppositions that have a direct influence on the way people design a landscape or townscape: 'Man is part of nature' and 'Nature is only a human concept' ecocentrism and anthropocentrism).



Figuur 27 Presuppositions about the relation between culture and nature


Both suppositions contain a paradox. The anthropocentric way of thinking would imply that physics and biology ('N') cannot find anything new from experiment or observation that is not already included in the existing set of concepts (C) or its combinations[27] (idealistic position). 'The boundaries of our world are the boundaries of our language.'[28] The ecocentric view however would imply that we cannot communicate such observations. To take these observations serious, we have to regard them as a not yet cultural part of the natural world N (materialistic position).


Let us now consider culture (C) as an intermediate between the picture ('N') and the portrayed in the natural world (N). Wittgenstein supposes that the picture and and the portrayed have their 'logical form' in common. Formal logic however cannot cope with expressions like exclamations, questions, proposals (like designs) and orders: they have no logical form. That is what occupied the later Wittgenstein[29]. In my opinion these linguistic expressions are the very solution to the paradox of ecocentric thinking. Questions are the definition of an emptiness at the boundaries of knowledge, proposals and designs are excursions in an unknown, but nevertheless imaginable and perhaps possible future world.


This brings me to a specification of culture, creativity, science and art. Culture is the set of preconceptions in communication. Suppose we had to explicate all presuppositions of our communication before we could start with it, in that case we would seldom have time to communicate[30]. Fortunately we don't have to explicate every time all these preconceptions, we simply take them for granted and call them culture. That is easy, but it also keeps 'self-evident' concepts out of discussion. Creativity just starts with disclaiming these apparently self-evident preconceptions, science starts with doubting them.

Art is a ripple at the outside boundary of culture denying conventional and adding unconventional presuppositions by poičsis[31]. We need art or technique to make new concepts outside conventional language. Science on itself does not provide that.

1.e.2                   Possible futures

Probable ecological, economical and cultural futures are gloomy from a viewpoint of inevitable environmental developments. But are the probable futures the only ones that we have to take in consideration? Empirical research is limited to the probable futures. Design, or technical research is limited to the broader set of possible ones.

I cannot imagine the probable without the possible. The reverse I can.

What is probable must be by definition possible.



Figuur 28 The modality of the possible


Predicting probable futures requires causal thinking on an empirical basis. We cannot predict possible futures as far as they are not probable: we have to design them. They are invisible for probability-calculations. They are fundamentally ab-normal, outside the 95%-area of probability. Designs cannot be calculated or predicted. If so, they would no longer be designs. Design produces possibilities, conditions, freedom of choice, difference.


Every line a designer draws is a precondition for further drawing, but not a cause for the rest of the design process. In the same way the performance of the resulting building, the behaviour of its inhabitants, is not caused or even necessarily aimed by the designer, but only made possible in a universum of possibilities opened by the design. Every line a computerprogrammer writes is a condition for the rest of the program, but not the cause of its performance. On the other hand one single missing line can 'ceteris paribus' be called the 'cause' of its break‑down. In the same way global life has no single cause, but many conditions of which lacking one on a single place and moment can indeed cause the death of an individual. Special conditions of sunlight, moist and minerals do not cause special life‑forms (let alone that they can be aimed by norms of sunlight, moist and minerals per location), they only make different life‑forms possible. The relation conditional <> causal has its analogies in the dualities possible <> probable, designing <> predicting, means‑directed <> aim‑directed, and probably ecocentric <> antropocentric.

What kind of thinking do we need for designing research?

1.e.3                   Causal and conditional thinking

I cannot imagine causes without conditions, the reverse I can. We have to make a step back from causal thinking about probabilities into the broader area of conditional thinking about possibilities. Every cause is a condition for anything to happen, but not every condition is also a cause. The foundation of a house may be a precondition but not a cause of its existence. Causal thinking is conditional thinking, but conditional thinking is not always causal.

Suppose we read in the paper: 'The crash of the cars was caused because one of the drivers lost control of his wheel.' That sounds plausible until an extraterrestrial descends, saying: 'Nonsense, the collision was caused by two objects approaching eachother with great speed.'


Figuur 29 Causes under conditions


If he is right, the paper is wrong, because if the cars would not have been approaching eachother and one of the drivers would have lost control there would have been no collision. So it is only a cause under the tacit precondition of approaching cars. Every causal conclusion is based on innumerable tacit conditions called 'ceteris paribus presuppositions'.



Figuur 30 Conditional thinking as a ceteris paribus environment of causal thinking


I cannot imagine social possibilities without any economical conditions. The reverse I can.

I cannot imagine economical possibilities without technical conditions. The reverse I can.

This gives a semantic conditional sequence of possibilities. In stable technical conditions economical initiatives can cause technical or social change. But when the dikes burst the technical 'ceteris paribus' for economical determinism are lacking.

The ceteris-paribus presuppositions of causal explanations also change on different levels in time. That means changing causal explanantion. They also can be changed by design forcing shifting explanation about the effects. Innovative design implies removing some preconditions and making new ones. Design makes ceteris non paribus.


Innovative design implicates always removing suppressed conditions and making new ones. Loose from that conditions change in different wave-lengths:



Figuur 31 Changing conditions for causal thinking.


Now we can point out a week component in causal thinking. The ceteris-paribus presuppositions of causal explanations change on different levels and can be changed by design ... by us.


Professor Helmar Krupp, former director of the Fraunhofer Institut in Karlsruhe studied physics, pilosophy and sociology. He came to the conclusion that the individual no longer can influence the evolution of society. Society behaves as a system with its own dynamics. Individuals have to submit to this dynamics.[32] In the conference 'The mind of technology', Delft, 27 november 1996, De Jong tried to comfort him by emphasising design. The limitations of research could be broken by design.

Probable ecological, economical and cultural futures are gloomy from a viewpoint of inevitable Schumpeter dynamics or Fukuyama-expectations. But are the probable futures the only ones that we have to take in consideration? Empirical research is limited to the probable futures, design, innovation or technical research to the possible ones. And that creates hope.

1.e.4                   Design making difference

I cannot imagine a representation or drawing without indicated differences, an (eventually tacitly presupposed) vocabulary or legend (key to symbols). The legend is the vocabulary of the drawing. Only by drawing differences one can make forms and only by making different forms one can make structures. Function presupposes a structure within which the function operates.



Figuur 32 The legend and its relation to form, structure and function


Nevertheless, within one set of forms (for example a box of blocks) you can imagine different ways of connecting them (structures) and within different structures you can imagine different functions. In the reverse the same function often chooses different structures and the same structure is often built in different forms or materials. So where the design process lays the initiative is free. It can be either a causal, aim-directed (purposive) process starting with the function (funcionalist position) or a conditional, means-directed process (formalist or structuralist position).



Figuur 33 Function, form, aims and means


When the number of aims is smaller than the number of means you better can use aims as independent variable with the means as dependent variable. In architecture and certainly urban planning the number of means is smaller than the number of aims. In that case you better can variate the means to see what gives the greatest amount of possibilities for future generations.

1.e.5                   Environment, the set of conditions for life

Environment in an ecological sense is the set of conditions for life[33]. In this definition 'conditions' can be interpreted as ecological, technical, economical, cultural or administrative preconditions. These substitutions result in 5 different usual concepts of 'environment': the administrative environment, the cultural environment etc. The concept 'life' can be substituted in the same sense as 'social life, cultural life, life of men, animals, plants etc, multiplicating the meanings of the concept of 'environment'.


Building is a prerequisite for human and other life. Building and urbanization has ecologically more positive effects on the environment than negative. In contrast with other productive branches it produces more 'environment' than it costs. It produces an environment for humans without which they would not survive at the same rate. But it also could produce a better environment for a variety of plants and animals than many places outside the built‑up area.



Figuur 34 Biodiversity in Zoetermeer


We learnt that for instance in the Dutch cities Zoetermeer[34] and Amsterdam[35], where we found 1/3 and 1/2 of the total amount of botanical species in the Netherlands. Within the city of Zoetermeer one square kilometre counts even 350 wild self breeding species outside the gardens. That is 7 times more species than an agricultural square kilometre in the direct surroundings and as much as a square km in the natural environment of the Dutch dunes. Of course we cannot say that the value of an urban ecosystem equals that of the dunes, but we signal a potential that we could improve. To improve the contribution of urban design to the solution of the ecological crisis we have to emphasize more the production of positive effects and its research than the reduction of the smaller negative effects.



Figuur 35 The development of photovoltaic cells.


Let me give another example of environmentally decisive design. The development of photovoltaic cells can destroy many gloomy prophecies. The Photovoltaic cell deminished a factor 14 in price since 1975; another factor 8 and it outruns the economical efficiency of fossil fuels. The only problem is a cheaper way of slicing sand. The last two centuries technical problems like that never waited longer than 10 years for their solution.


Let's destroy all gloomy prophecies by design.

1.e.6                   The concept of difference

The very beginning of any range of semantic conditions seems to be 'difference'. Any concept presupposes 'difference'. Difference on itself cannot be defined because the concept of 'definition' already presupposes making difference with the rest. But also the concepts of 'making', 'with', 'the', and 'rest' presuppose 'difference'. So in the sentence concerned, 'difference' was already at least five times presupposed! Even the concept of equality (as necessarily presupposed in the concepts of 'gathering' and 'counting' and therefore in set‑theory and mathematics) presupposes difference. As soon as you accept that there are 'different differences', for instance more or less difference ('variation'), you have to accept that equality is a special case of difference.



Figuur 36 Anything differs

Figuur 37 Difference makes possible



According to Figuur 37 there should be a more specific relation between difference and possibility than the conditional one in Figuur 36. However, I did not yet find a more convincing consideration than a picture like Figuur 37.

Yet this question is essential for designers. If after all their profession as producers of possibilities has a specific relation with differentiation, than it has a difficulty with the accepted scientific practice of generalization.


Ross Ashby[36] and Van Leeuwen[37] noticed that given a difference you always can imagine more difference, but not always less. The least kind of difference we call equality. Nevertheless, there must be a difference of place or moment left to establish that equality, otherwise the comparison has no sense. So we can draw an important conclusion: equality is a special kind of difference and not the opposite of it.


Many scientists feel uncomfortable with that conclusion because their profession is based on equations that conceive regularities in sets of n>1 'comparable' facts. Designers on the contrary do not, because their profession is based on originality in every single n=1 case. Without that originality their design would not be a design, but a prediction. The very concept 'concept' presupposes any equality in the observations conceived in the concept, but the concept 'conception' presupposes something different from earlier observations. Conceptualization always needs a reduction of diversity.



Figuur 38 Perceiving differences, recognising equaities


Vision, hearing, smelling, touching all need differences or changes in the environment. As soon as there is some repetition within these perceptions, we 'recognize' it, which is the basis of cognition and conceptualization. (Re)cognition however is only based on similarity, it reduces the differences that still can be perceived. So conceptualization changes sometimes chaos in surprize, sometimes surprize in recognition, sometimes recognition in boredom.



Causal thinking is a special way of reducing diversity. It reduces similarities in repeating sequences of phenomena to the more general concepts of cause-effect relationships. Causal explanation has the more value the more reduction of different cases is possible by abstraction.


Alas, nowadays there are not so much phenomena left that can be explained monocausally. They largely have been explained earlier. What is left are context sensitive effects that can be caused by many different 'causes' or causes that can bring about many different effects, dependent on small differences in the environment where the 'cause' is introduced. Striking a match can cause little damage here, and big damage there. So monocausal (or 'paucicausal') research shows deminishing returns, especially on environmental (context sensitive) issues.


Figuur 39 Deminishing returns of monocausal (or paucicausal) research



Means and aims can only be chosen on the basis of a supposed causal relationship between both. Otherwise thinking about means and aims is senseless. The same means applied here have other effects as applied there. Apart from that they are also scale-dependent and therefore subject of misconceptions.

1.e.7                   The importance of diversity in ecology: tolerance and possibility

The curve of ecological tolerance relates the chance of survival of a species or ecosystem to any environmental variable, for instance the presence of water. In that special case survival runs between drying out and drowning.



Figuur 40 Ecological tolerance in theory and reality.


Imagine the bottem picture as a slope from high and dry to low and wet. Species A will survive best in its optimum. Therefore we see florishing specimens on the optimum line of moisture (A). Higher or lower there are marginally growing specimens (a). The marginal specimens however are important for survival of the species as a whole.

Suppose for instance long-lasting showers: the lower, too wet standing marginal specimens die, the florishing specimens become marginal, but the high and dry standing specimens start to florish! Long-lasting dry weather results in the same in a reversed sense. Leveling the surface and water-supply for agricultural purposes in favour of one useful species means loss of other species and increased risk for the remaining species.


Variety is a risc-cover for life. This is not only true for the variety in the abiotic conditions, but also for the variety of ecosystems, species and of genetic possibilities within each species. Life survived many disasters thanks to biodiversity. In the diversity of life there was always a species to survive or within a species a specimen that survived. Survival of the fittest presupposes diversity from which can be chosen in changed circumstances. Deminishing biodiversity means undermining the resistance against catastrophes. From the 1.5 million species we know, this century we lost approximately 50000. So, we not only introduce ecological disasters, but also undermine the resistance of life against these disasters.


Biodiversity in mankind is a crucial value in our quality of life. As we are here we are all different and the very last comfort you can give a depressed person is 'But you are unique'. Diversity is also a precondition for trade and communication. If production and consumption would be the same everywhere, there would be no economical life. If we would have all the same perceptions and ideas, there would be no communication. It is an important misconception to believe that communication only helps bridgeing differences. Communication also produces diversity by compensating eachother and coordinating behaviour by specialization.


Brundtland[38] summarizes the environmental challenge by stating sustainability as leaving next generations at least as much possibilities as we found ourselves. But what are possibilities? 'Possibilities' is not the same as economical supply. If our parents would have left us the same supplies as they found in their childhood, we would be far from satisfied. 'Possibilities' has to do with freedom of choice and thus variety. Our converging Schumpeter-economy[39] and Fukuyama-culture[40] leaves no choice. In our search for the alternative we find everywhere in the world the same hotels, the same dinners, the same language. This century, the last 'primitive' cultures are lost and with them an experience of life that no western language can express.


The extremest consequence of this levelling out would be a world without economy and even communication. If there are no longer any differences in production factors, exchanging goods and services would no longer be necessary. If total world wide distribution of knowledge and consensus would be the result of our communication age, there would no longer be anything worthwile to communicate. These thought experiments show clearly that 'difference' is also a hidden presupposition in communication and economy.

1.e.8                   Diversity and quality

Quality can be measured in terms of possibilities of use, experience and expectation for future generations. The way design can sustain a sustainable development in the sense of Brundtland is to produce more choices for man, animal and plant. If there were one best solution for all problems of architecture and urban planning, it would be the worst in the sense of choices for future generations! This paradox pleads more for diversity than for uniform solutions. Moreover, if there was an uniform solution, the designer would have no task.

Quality is always a function of variation. Quality of possible experience moves between diversity and uniformity, surprise and recognition. One step too far into both sides brings us in the area of boredom or confusion.


This is a simple conception, already recognized by Birkhoff[41] and Bense[42], but why dit it not succeed, why is quality always posed as an unsolvable question?



Figuur 41 Quality = f(Variation)


Any discussion on variety and thus variables can fall prey to confuson of scale. That means that even logic and science as forms of communication are prey to the scale paradox. The paradox of Achilles and the turtle is a beautiful example of the scale-paradox in time. The turtle says: 'Achilles cannot outrun me when I get a headstart, because when he is where I was at the moment he started I'm already further, when he reaches that point I am again further and so on!'. This conclusion is only incorrect by changing the time-scale during the reasoning. Something similar is found by Russell on set-theory. Russell[43] bans sets containing themselves and reflexive judgements as 'I am a liar'.



The scale paradox means an important scientific ban on applying conclusions drawn on one level of scale to another without any concern. The picture shows the possibility of changing conclusions on a change of schale by a factor 3. There are 7 decimals between a grain of sand and the earth. That gives approximately 15 possibilities of turning conclusions. Between a molecule and a grain of sand applies the same. This ban is violated so many times, that this should be an important criterion on the validity of scientific judgements.


The scale-paradox is not limited on concepts of diversity. An important example of turning conceptions into their opposite by scale is the duality of aim and means. For the government subsidizing a municipality the subsidy is a means, for the municipality it is an aim. So the conception of means changes in a conception of aim by crossing levels of scale. The turning of 'Zweckbegriff' into 'Systemrationalität' Luhmann[44]) may be a turning conception of the same character.

In growing organizations integration on the level of the organization as a whole means often desintegration of the subsystems and perhaps a new form of integration


Figuur 42 The scale paradox


 in the sub-sub-systems. This process is often called 'differentiation'!

1.e.9                   Conclusion

The computer sustains the design process and spatial design sustains or even enlarges our freedom of choice. Enlarging the diversity of inside and outside space offers after all new possibilities and thus new freedom of choice. Concerning the possibilities of future generations of world population since Bruntland, we call the maintenance of that freedom 'sustainable development'. Environmental planning takes into account the simultaneously appearing loss of possibilities and freedom of choice for future generations.


The building process however has in this sense more positive than negative ecological effects. The best way design can sustain a sustainable development in the sense of Brundtland, is to produce more choices (possibilities) for man, animal and plant. If there were one scientificly tested best solution for all causally formulated problems of architecture and urban plaming, it would be the worst in the sense of choices for future generations. This paradox rises when we consider science only as a method of optimizing probable effects. I would like to state that technical science has more to do with possibilities than with probabilities.


Computerprogramming not only sustains design and freedom of choice, it also forces us to make clear hidden presuppositions and that is the traditional task of art and science.

In that perspective the task of technical science is to make clear the preconditions (or presuppositions) of technical performance, the task of technical ecology that of life performance.

The presuppositions about the design process, as they are differently hidden in a designers' mind and in design sustaining computer programs, have something in common with the preconditions of technical and biological performance. If our theory can cope with both, it will concern a more essential thing about design, building and ecology.


The possibility (the set of conditions) of an event is something different from a cause (and subsequently the probability) of an event. Every cause is a condition for something to happen, but not every condition is also a cause. The design of a house does not cause the behaviour of a household. It only makes more ways of behaviour possible than there would have been possible without a house. It allows freedom of choice, offers conditions. In the same way the design of a computerprogam is no good when it forces the user into a specific way of thinking, it should give the opportunity for different ways of thinking. Ecology is the science of conditions, prerequisites for different life‑forms. Global Iife by its enormeous differentiation is not monocausal and thus not predictable or 'aimable'. Death of individuals on the other hand, is predictable by pointing out any essential condition for life lacking. Man as a part of life is essentially not predictable as long as we believe in freedom of choice.


In ecology, technology, design and computerprogramming conditional thinking is as important as the operational, aim‑directed, causal thinking we are used to. The methodology of causal and probability thinking is largely developed. But what methodology do we need when we do not only ask questions about the cause or aim of a phenomenon, but about the conditions under which a phenomenon could possibly appear, its possibility?



[1] http://www.bk.tudelft.nl/users/dejongt/internet/003000000.htm

[2] ¤ means ’radius’ or ’around’

[3] [RPD, 1966 #818]

[4] [RPD, 1983 #823]

[5] [VROM, 1998 #838]

[6] [VROM, 2 001b #840]

[7] See also the image archive of educational projects, retrievable among other things by perspective http://iaai.bk.tudelft.nl/

[8] http://www.minvrom.nl/minvrom/pagina.html

[9] http://www.minlnv.nl/

[10] http://www.minvenw.nl/cend/dco/home/data/index.htm

[11] See http://www.rivm.nl/

[12] ¯ means ’radius’ or ’around’

[13] http://home.wanadoo.nl/w.heijligers/Start/ndtkrt1.htm

[14] The objects can be ecosystems on different size of 100m¯, 300m¯, 1km¯, 3km¯, 10km¯, or 30km¯.

[15]... Worldwatch Institute, The state of the world 1990, W.W. Norton & Company. New York, 1990

[16]... J.G. Speth, Can the world be saved?, Ecological economics, vol 1, p. 289-302

[17]... Jansen en Van Heel, Technical University Delft: Met zoeken en duurzam leven op weg, Speach on the occasion of the 151 Dies Natalis Technical University Delft, 1993

[18]... World Commission on Environment and development (named after its president "Brundtland Committee"), Our common future, Oxford University Press, Oxford-New York, 1987

[19]... Interdepartmental research programm Duurzame Technische Ontwikkeling DTO (Sustainable Technological Development)

[20]... This factor 3 was suggested by ir Idema in answer to my question, with reference to meticu­lous environmental friendly plan "de Haaglanden in Zwolle"

[21]It misses some presuppositions of normal logic that seem to stagnate the development of  drawing theory, design theory and ecological theory. Though we did not examine it thouroughly, semantic conditions may be tacitly presupposed in normal logic. To formulate the function of a logical operator ‘o’, you first need to test the truth-value of ‘PoQ’ in four conditions (if P is true and Q is true, if P is true and Q is false, if P is false and Q is true, if P is false and Q is false). That conditional test cannot be performed by the conditional operators (Ž, Ü and Ū) to be defined by the truth-table itself . What kind of conditional comparisons are they than if they are tacitly supposed in formulating these well-known conditionals? Conditional analysis may also shed some light on the hidden propositions in the terminology ‘true’ and ‘false’ and the hidden propositions concerning restrictions on space and time in logical reasoning. For instance, the expression ‘It rains and it rains not’ is true on world-scale, but forbidden in formal logic as a contradiction. So the hidden supposition of formal logic must be that only local events could be logically expressed. A drawing containing different locations cannot be logic in this way.

[22]. The expression ‘comparison’ is used here in an unusually broader sense than in formal logic or mathematics, but until now seemed to be correctly understood  without explanation.

[23]. Including the comparisons needed for the hypothesis, we needed 6 comparisons to make a conditional sequence of three concepts. The fourth one will need another 6 comparisons, the fifth another 8. We compared appoximately 200 crucial concepts in science and technology like ‘set’, ‘pattern’, ‘structure’, ‘function’ and the like (note 6). That required 39800 comparisons and resulted in a samantically conditional sequence of these concepts with one single condition at the beginning.

[24]. This already says something about my preconception about culture: ‘a plant has no culture’. Though the concept of culture is not yet defined by this operation, it is in any case ‘placed’ and the boundaries of many possible definitions are set.

[25]. Taeke M. de Jong, De honderd stellingen van Sharawagi, Faculteit Bouwkunde TUD, 1972.

[26]. Taeke M. de Jong, Kleine methodologie voor ontwerpend onderzoek, Boom, Meppel, 1992.

[27]. Synthetic judgements a priori of Kant.

[28]. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus, Vienna, 1918. ‘About which you cannot speak you have to be silent.’ It was a reason to suspect him of mysticism.

[29]. Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical investigations, Oxford, 1953

[30]. 'Suppose we are human, suppose we use a language, suppose we understand the same things using the same words, suppose this building does not pour down, suppose you don’t kill me for the things I say etceteras etcetera . . . than we could have a conference, shall we have a conference?'

[31]. poihsis, manufacture, construction

[32] See Hemar Krupp (1996) Zukunftsland Japan. Golbale Evolution und Eigendynamik (Darmstadt) Wissenschaftiche Buchgesellschaft

[33]. C.A.J. Duijvestein, T.M. de Jong, P. Schmidt, J.A. Wisse, see WJL Hendriks, Begrippen rond bouwen en milieu, werkdocument Stichting Bouwresearch, Rotterdam, january 1993.

[34]. A. de Jong en J. Vos, Bericht uit de plantenwerkgroep, KNNV Kwartaalbericht Zoetermeer nr. 5, juli 1994

[35]. T. Denters, R. Ruesink, B. Vreeken, Van muurbloem tot straatmadelief, Wilde planten in en rond Amsterdam, KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht 1994

[36]. Ross Ashby, Design for a brain, London, 1952

[37]. Van Leeuwen, C.G., Ekologie, Faculteit Boukunde, THDelft, Delft, 1971.

[38]. World Commission on Environment and development (Commission Brundtland), Our common future, Oxford University Press, Oxforn New York, 1987

[39]. Krupp, Helmar, Zukunftsland Japan, Globale Evolution und Eigendynamik, Wissenschaftlicht Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1996.

[40]. Fukuyama, Francis, The End of History and the Last Man, Free Press, New York, 1992

[41]. Birkhoff, George D., Aesthetic Measure, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press, 1933.

Arnheim, Rudolf, Entropy and art, University of California Press, London, 1971, ISBN 0-520-02617-9

[42]. Bense

[43]. Russell, Bertrand, Introduction to mathematical philosophy, Routledge, London, 1993

[44]. Luhmann, Niklas, Zweckbegriff und Systemrationalität, Suhrkamp Taschenbuch Wissenschaft, Ulm, 1973

[i] Give a functional, structural and morphological definition of a metropolis.

[ii] Why are concepts of density different on the scale of the region, agglomeration, city, district of neighbourhood?

[iii] Distinguish 4 principally different states of dispersion on a regional and agglomeration level of scale and discuss their effects on the opennes of the non-urban area.

[iv] Why condensation on agglomeration level does not contribute much to the openness of landscapes?

[v] Name 4 dry and wet networks that differ on a approximate factor 3 of network density.

[vi] What is the effect on networkdensity by superposition?

[vii] Distinguish different possibilities of use according to different levels of scale in urban and non-urban areas.

[viii] How could projects, their costs and regional concepts have be visualized in the same drawing?

[ix] How could you describe perspectives in a scheme on a different level of scale?

[x] Give an indication in order of size of 6 claims on the surface of the Deltametropolis.

[xi] How could you define an urban centre, an urban outskirt, a green urban area, a village and a rural living environment  morphologically?

[xii] Which 3 three robust connections counts Deltametropolis in the National Plan of Nature Policy [LNV, 2 000a #810]

[xiii] How does the National Plan of Nature Policy control the biological identity of areas?

[xiv] Why is global biological diversity a basic criterion for ecological evaluation and how could you make it locally operational?

[xv] The 4th National Plan of Watermanagement Policy [V&W, 1998c #829], and its last successor ‘Anders omgaan met water’[V&W, 2 000b #832] mark a change from accent, just as the 4th National Plan of Environmental Policy [VROM, 2 001a #839] compared with its predecessors. Which change of accent is that?

[xvi] Which future problems in watermanagement and proposed solutions have a great impact on landuse in the Netherlands? Which solutions are proposed in the 4th National Plan of Watermanagement Policy [V&W, 1998c #829], and its last successor ‘Anders omgaan met water’[V&W, 2 000b #832]?