Technische wetenschappen
Image Archive Architectural Interventions
Request for subsidy N.W.O./S.T.W middle-large
by T.M. de Jong, professor Town and region designing, environmental
planning and ecology, Faculty of Architecture DUT, Berlageweg 1, 2628 CR Delft,
or postbus 5043, 2600 GA Delft. Tel.
0152785965 or 0793516599. Fax 0152783694. Email Internet
Project leader I.S. Sariyildiz.
additional requests allocated by Habiforum by Frieling, new request for
utilization to ICES by Rots. Keywords: image database, design study, study by design,
DSSystems, decision making.
1.3 Formulation
of the problem
2 Plan of work and utilization
2.4 Output
by Geographic Information Systems including Design (GIS-D)
Final image of
Contacts for
further development
Enclosure current programme of demands
Retrievability of
context and perspective
translation of keywords
unsuccessful keywords
Enclosure largely realized programme (in
Dutch iba 1999)
The Image Archive of Architectural Interventions IAAI(registration)[a] now
contains approximately 1500 images from approximately 500 recent graduate projects from
the Faculty of Architecture Delft University of Technology (DUT). The Faculty
strives to document all graduation projects from now on this way. The archive
is accessible via the internet[b]. The images are documented per
image in such a way that researchers, teachers, students and DSSystems outside
the Faculty can select and download series of images relevant to a specified
research or design theme and to urban decision making. Urban and architectural
designs are pre-eminently context
sensitive. The input programme asks for selection
criteria concerning context characteristics per level of scale. Each image is
supposed to be made with an implicit view on the administrative, cultural,
economical, technical, ecological and/or mass-space-time circumstances the
design will function in. The input programme asks to make this perspective explicit. It asks which kinds of impacts within
that perspecive are readable from
the image. So images can be found again by such context criteria.
A final
image of the IAAI is a 3D map of the
Netherlands per perspective, designed by the designers who will shape the
Netherlands. You can fly through each scenario virtually (‘flight
simulator') and examine each design at first glance in
its mass-space-time context. This is important to find examples comparable by context. To this purpose the Meetkundige Dienst RWS (Feinaud) would like to put an adapted version of the 3D Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN) to our disposal. Geodan (Scholten, VU) already gave a 2D inzoomable map to find the images
by location. Two other faculties of DUT made progress in this field by
situating works of Vermeer in their 3D historical context of Delft[c].
research, and study by design, need a critical mass of images to find some of
them, professionally comparable by context, perspective, impact and other
characteristics more difficult to name[d]. The system will probably function
for this purpose when a critical mass of 100 000 well documented images is
reached. To reach this critical mass, the programme for input is made as user
friendly as possible for the approximately 3000 students, teachers and
researchers of the faculty. They have a personal interest in a worldwide
accessible portfolio of their own work. They constitute a motivated and
educated capacity for the labour-intensive input. The developed input programme
is however too extended for many projects with their own standard input. A more
tapered input for each project, in the future to be adapted by the suppliers
themselves, has to be developed to stimulate decentralized input.
The system
is shaped in such a way, that after reaching a critical mass for research,
different external Decision (or Design) Support Systems (DSS) could make use of
the registration. A prototype of such a DSS is made by Frieling IAAI(E.M.R.) (Frieling, Gordijn et al. 2001) by order of Habiforum, presupposing an
IAAI(registration) as proposed here.
request N.W.O./S.T.W. to subsidize the registration project asks for a
contribution of € 640 000 to
differentiate the input per
research project;
a more linguistic storage and
semantic retrievability solving design profession specific naming problems;
a 3D landscape of
design contexts.
The request
is submitted by T.M. de
Jong, professor Environmental Planning and Ecology, Faculty of Architecture
DUT, Berlageweg 1, 2628 CR Delft, or postbus 5043, 2600 GA Delft. Tel. 0152785965 or 0793516599. Fax 0152783694. Email
Het Image Archive of Architectural Interventions IAAI(registration)[e] bevat nu ongeveer 1500 beelden van ongeveer 500 recente afstudeerprojecten van de Faculteit Bouwkunde TUDelft. De Facuteit streeft naar documentatie op deze manier van alle afstudeerprojecten vanaf nu. Het archief is toegankelijk via het internet[f]. De beelden zijn zodanig per beeld gedocumenteerd dat onderzoekers, docenten, studenten en DSSystemen buiten de Faculteit series beelden kunnen kiezen en downloaden, relevant voor specifieke thema’s van onderzoek, ontwerp en publieke besluitvorming betreffende het bouwen. Stedebouwkundige en architectonische ontwerpen zijn bij uitstek contextgevoelig. Het invoerprogramma vraagt om context-kenmerken per schaalniveau die als selectiecriterium bij het zoeken gebruikt kunnen worden. Er wordt van uitgegaan dat elk beeld wordt gemaakt met een onuitgesproken visie op de bestuurlijke, culturele, economische, technische, ecologische en/of massa-ruimte-tijd omstandigheden waarin het ontwerp zal functioneren. Het invoerprogramma vraagt dit perspectief expliciet te maken. Het vraagt ook welke soorten consequenties binnen dat perspectief afleesbaar zijn van de tekening. Daardoor kunnen beelden worden teruggevonden volgens zulke context-criteria.
Een eindbeeld van het IAAI is een 3D-kaart van Nederland per perspectief of scenario, ontworpen door de ontwerpers die Nederland in de toekomst grotendeels ook werkelijk zullen vormgeven. Daarmee kan men door elk scenario virtueel heen vliegen ('flight simulator'), zodat elk ontwerp in één oogopslag kan worden bestudeerd in zijn context van massa, ruimte en tijd. Dit is van belang om voorbeelden te vinden die ook qua context vergelijkbaar zijn. Tot dit doel is ook de Meetkundige Dienst RWS (Feinaud) bereid een aangepaste versie van het 3D Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland (AHN) ter beschikking te stellen. Geodan (Scholten, VU) heeft een 2D inzoombare kaart ter beschikking gesteld om de beelden naar locatie te kunnen terugzoeken. Twee andere faculteiten van de TUDelft hebben al vooruitgang geboekt door werken van Vermeer in hun historische 3D context van Delft te plaatsen[g].
Ontwerponderzoek en onderzoek door ontwerp vergen een kritische massa beelden om enkele beelden te kunnen vinden die ook vergelijkbaar zijn wat betreft context, perspectief, afleesbare consequenties en andere kenmerken die moeilijk te benoemen zijn[h]. Het systeem kan tot dit doel waarschijnlijk pas functioneren wanneer een kritische massa van 100 000 goed gedocumenteerde beelden wordt bereikt. Om deze kritische massa te bereiken is een invoerprogramma gemaakt dat zo gebruikersvriendelijk mogelijk kan worden gebruikt door de ongeveer 3000 studenten, docenten en onderzoekers van de faculteit. Zij hebben persoonlijk belang bij een portfolio van hun eigen werk dat wereldwijd toegankelijk is. Zij vormen daardoor een gemotiveerd en professioneel potentieel voor de arbeidsintensieve invoer. Het ontwikkelde invoerprogramma is echter te uitgebreid voor veel ontwerpprojecten die een eigen, gestandaardiseerde invoer hebben. Een meer toegespitste invoer voor elk project, in de toekomst aanpasbaar door de leveranciers van beelden zelf, moet ontwikkeld worden om een gedecentraliseerde invoer te stimuleren.
Het systeem is zo opgezet, dat nadat een kritieke massa voor onderzoek is bereikt, verscheidene externe Decision (of Design) Support Systemen (DSS) van deze registratie gebruik kunnen maken.
Een prototype van zo’n DSS, het 'IAAI(E.M.R.)’ is gemaakt door Frieling (Frieling, Gordijn et al. 2001) in opdracht van Habiforum. Het vooronderstelt een IAAI(registration) zoals hier wordt voorgesteld.
Dit verzoek aan N.W.O./S.T.W. om het IAAI-registratieproject te subsidiëren, omvat een bijdrage van € 640 000 voor:
· invoerdifferentiatie per onderzoeksproject;
· het uitwerken van een meer linguistische opslag en een semantische terugzoekbaarheid die voor de professie specifieke naamgevingsproblemen oplost;
· de ontwikkeling van een 3D-landschap waarin de ontwerpen in hun context kunnen worden teruggezocht.
In a university of technology,
designs are made (design study), examined (design research) and evaluated Jong et al.(2002). Making a design, the preliminary
investigation and its conclusion, the programme of demands, only partly direct
the solution. The design does not follow unequivocally and reproductably from a
programme like a scientific prediction from its basic assumptions ceteris
paribus. Even with a strict programme, alternatives (eventually unexpectable) are
possible in design. This is most explicit in building
design. The choice of a final alternative is determined by the context of the
object to be designed. The market, the location and the designer (context of invention) belong to the broader present and future managerial, cultural,
economical, technical, ecological, and mass-space-time context and perspective of the object. ‘Context’ is
different on different levels of scale and cannot be foreseen completely in the
Variable per
level of scale and period of
change. For example: tentative nationally: managerial/political: initiative < > laissez-faire 7 years cultural: traditional < > experimental 15
years economics: growth < > shrinkage 30 years technical: combination < > specialization 60
years ecological: heterogeneous < > homogeneous 120 years mass-space-time: concentration < > deconcentration 240 years |
and changing context (perspective) |
The number of imaginable
alternatives for buildings, mostly with a long term multifunctional programme
of (conflicting) demands, is unconceivably large, subject to a combinatoric
explosion of possible forms. Buildings and urban designs have a long period of use and they are
earthbound. So they have to function in a changing context (perspective) that
is unpredictable and not influenced by the programming authority, designer or
user. From the viewpoint of their durability they should be able to accommodate
varying programmes and daily changing aims of their inhabitants and users. This
quality of building design is called ‘robustness’. ‘Flexibility’ is only part of it. So, from all artefacts, buildings have the most
context sensitive function for use, perception and market, not to be evaluated
without that context and therefore hardly comparable to each other (sometimes even unique). It is difficult to find comparable examples for design research to
draw more general conclusions for design.
research concerns determined objects
within determined contexts. Research by
design (below grey) varies either the object (design study) or the context (typology) or even both (study by design):
determined |
variable |
CONTEXT determined |
Design Research |
Design Study |
variable |
Typology |
Study by design |
Even with a comparable programme of
demands, not only their own diversity of
solutions, but also the diversity of their contexts or perspectives to function
in, is very large. Consequently, the diversity of rational reasons (determined
by context) to choose a final alternative is even larger. So, building design
research often has the character of an n=1 study with limited general value to
other designs. Design research, based on more examples than one, is often
ignored by designers, because on location many design relevant circumstances
appear different from what the examined examples had in common. The descriptive
interpretation of context by researchers differs from the imaginative
interpretation of designers, that stresses possibilities rather than
probabilities. Moreover, the principal often asks for a unique design,
‘exploiting’ rare qualities of context. So design decisions seldom can be
founded on examples univocally and professionally by the lack of material for
For building design research with more general
design relevant (context sensitive) conclusions, we need a database with a large number of designs
and composing images to find different examples in comparable contexts. This
places great demands on the possibilities of verbal and non verbal selection within such a database[i]. It has consequences on the effort of documentation per image. It has methodological
implications in naming and defining countless possible architectural
interventions and their effects in different contexts. For this purpose the
Faculty of Architecture of the Delft Technical University (DUT) spent several
years in developing an Image Archive of Architectural Interventions (IAAI),
able to store thousands of images made per year in that faculty, retrievable
amongst others by location, context, perspective and supposed effect within
that context. Its prototype functioning on the internet now contains approximately
1500 documented images from 500 recent graduate projects equiped with logical sentence functions[j] as syntactically composed
keywords. They are retrievable by alternate choice of images and keywords. The
database is prepared in the future to mount 3D designs in a 3D map of the
Netherlands allowing fly-through in a scenario chosen in advance, to see them
at first glance in their supposed mass-space-time context. Historical images then can be recorded in their
own former context and perspective.
Recording urban designs on a
national, regional, local and technical level of scale in this archive makes
these designs accessible for planning research on other universities and decision making institutions. Recording technical details of buildings makes them accessible to
other technical faculties like Civil Engineering and Industrial Design in DUT,
Architecture in TUE and various faculties abroad. As soon as these faculties
would like to give more attention to the context-sensibility of their own
design examples, other than building designs, easily can be recorded according
to their level of scale. It will give the database a more general design
orientation, stimulating cooperation in research between the technical
faculties and decision making institutions.
For the
sake of research exchange between different technical faculties this year
(2001) each faculty of the DUT made a comparable ‘portfolio of research’.
Within the
portfolio of the Faculty of Architecture the further development of IAAI is of
crucial importance for the themes and programmes summarized below.
Themes and
Programmes |
leaders |
existing databases |
Architecture |
Urban Architecture |
Duin, Prof. ir. L. van[k] |
x |
of Cultural Heritage |
Voorden, F. van |
x |
Design of (Mass) Housing |
Risselada, Prof. ir. M. |
x |
Knowledge Systems and Digital Architecture |
Tzonis, Prof. A.[l] |
x |
Concept and Materialisation |
Fretton, Prof. T. |
and Tradition |
Risselada, Prof. ir. M.[m] |
x |
Urbanism |
of urban design |
Meyer, H.[n] |
x |
design |
Frieling, Prof. ir. D.H. |
x |
transformations |
Bekkering, H. |
Building Technology |
Blob |
Eekhout, M.[o] |
Eekhout, M. |
x |
Retrofitting |
Rots, J. |
Environments |
Voorden, ir. M. van der |
Real Estate & Project
Management |
Estate Management |
Jonge, H. de[p] |
Studies |
Priemus, H.[q] |
x |
management |
Geraerdts, ir. R.P.[r] |
Fundamentals |
Jonge, H. de |
The planned
cross-connecting ‘Validated Integrated Projects’:
need a
context sensible database, transforming and connecting the already existing
databases in a digital format, gradually supplemented by non-digital sources (books, reports, exhibitions), the graduate
studies and the
new input of each research programme. By this database the research programmes
can find and use each others design examples, having more mass to find
comparable cases in
comparable contexts.
A database
like this has great advantages for design education, study, research and
applications in national, regional and local planning. These applications will
make further development self-supporting when a critical mass of easily
retrievable design examples is reached. To reach such a status however requires
an effort too big for a faculty or even a university alone. This is the reason
to ask a subsidy by N.W.O./S.T.W. and for external social applications by Habiforum (E.M.R.) and I.C.E.S. The
faculty has made a preliminary investment for the protope and has substantial
means for labour-intensive input. Approximately 3000 students, teachers and
scientists have a personal interest in a worldwide accessible portfolio of
their own work constituting a motivated professionally capacity for input. The currently developed input programme is a
user friendly application, but too extended for many projects with their own
standard input. A more tapered input for
each project to be adapted by the suppliers themselves has to be developed to
stimulate decentralized input.
The role of
design in future decision making processes is described by van Loon (Loon 1998; Gunsteren and Loon 2000; Loon
2000) and Frieling, initiator of the IAAI (Frieling 1995; Frieling 1996; Frieling, Mitchell et al. 1996;
Frieling 1997; Frieling 1998; Frieling, Reh et al. 1998; Frieling 1999). Frieling gives a summary of more than a decade of
experimental research by design on this subject and its theoretical foundation,
ending in the nationally applicated concept of Deltametropolis. This experience made clear that a database of
design images is indispensable to make better and more quickly public decisions
as a characteristic of a real metropolis. Recently Frieling started a large faculty
project to design different perspectives on
Deltametropolis, suited projects on a
smaller scale and a decision process to
bring them together in one perspective by a simulated public debate. About 80 graduating students of different
faculties will make different options for Deltametropolis as in the meantime
aimed in the 5th National
Plan of Spatial Policy (VROM 2001b). The results should be retrievable for future
decision making about spatial policy on national, regional and local levels of
The primary aim of IAAI(registration) is to make existing drawings,
images, connected context data and preliminary studies digitally accessible for
further research, design and decision making.
This aim is in the first phase restricted to the faculty, and in a
second phase extended to external applications like the development of the
Deltametropolis. Consequently, researchers and students from the Faculty of
Architecture are facilitated in, and stimulated to make retrievable, to
evaluate, and to publish designs in a comparable way, and to use them for
design research and research by design, the main focus of research in the
IAAI(registration) for the time being is limited to images of which the
copyrights are reserved to the faculty or are otherwise free. By that means the
knowledge of the faculty can be remembered, utilized and cashed. Such a 'faculty memory' prevents repeating innovation and
stimulates technical and professional accumulation. Selecting from a
non-selective magnitude of images however, requires far-reaching conditions to
the documentation with the input of every image. The input is the bottleneck of any image archive. The most important derived
aim then, is an attractive, fast, professionally relevant and embracing system
for input per image, and likewise for output.
Many research groups will cooperate in this project.
Initiator T.M. de Jong is motivated by the same scientific
problems existing in ecology as in design research and research by design. The
potential diversity and context sensibility of designs raises the same
methodological difficulties to generalize as within the combinatoric explosion
of species, ecological contexts and diversity within each species. There, image
databases become urgent to find any basis for generalization in examples of
different states of dispersion (form). The lowes levels of scale (molecular and
cellular) have the least problems. Diversity of life increases until
approximately 1km radius, and after that level it decreases again. So levels of
scale are indispensible in the retrievability of comparable cases from a
De Jong has 20 years of experience in computing an programming in basic
languages[s], however not in making advanced
databases or GIS applications.
Project leader I.S. Sariyildiz started a € 1 mln project for
a digital learning environment of which IAAI is a part.
For GIS applications the project is discussed with prof. Scholten[t] (VU Amsterdam, Geodan), prof. Oosterom (and Verbree[u], Geodesy DUT) and the CAD atelier
of the Faculty of Architecture (van Loon[v], Krebbers[w]). On 3D modeling and script writing
this proposal is commented by Stouffs[x] (Faculty of Architecture, chair
prof. Sariyildiz[y]). On image databases the project is
discussed with Huijsmans[z] (LIACS, University of Leiden). For
advanced database functionality turning it linguistic, the project has to rely
on the faculty Informatietechnologie en
systemen DUT.
All of them are able to and interested in substantial contributions to
the software.
The most important contribution, however, is the input. The data should
be aquired from the research groups mentioned in paragraph 1.4.
In the
diagram below a global plan of work is given per quarter.
2002-10-10 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
quarter |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
Input differentiation |
1 |
2D images
of existing building details, buildings etc. |
1 |
Mediatheek of
slides (Bijleveld) |
2 |
Archive of maps (vacancy) |
3 |
Architectural archive (Saariste) |
4 |
Historical archive (van Geest) |
5 |
Classic examples (Risselada, Haaksma) |
2 |
2D images
of designed future building details, buildings etc. |
1 |
Graduate projects afterwards.) (DOS) |
2 |
Graduate projects in advance (examencie.,
Curriculumvern) .). |
3 |
Results of
the pilot project Architectural
Intervention (Klaasen) |
4 |
First educational module (Weeber) |
5 |
Individual input via
existing programme |
3 |
3D images of designed future building
details, buildings etc. |
1 |
Portfolioproject (Sariyildiz) |
2 |
Cad atelier (Barendse) |
3 |
Cadlab (Koutamanis, vLoon) |
4 |
Deltam (Tisma) |
5 |
input via existing programme |
4 |
4D Moving
and calculated images |
1 |
IAAI(DSS-E.M.R.) (Frieling) |
2 |
Architecture lab (Oosterhuis) |
3 |
Technical lab (Rots) |
4 |
Deltametropolis (Berkhout, Hafkamp) |
5 |
inputscripts |
1 |
connecting arbitrary databases |
2 |
for Design Support Systems |
2 |
Database functionality |
1 |
Commonness list |
2 |
Association list |
3 |
files |
4 |
Automatic translation English |
5 |
translation French, German, Spanish |
6 |
Feed back to the author |
7 |
Deleting unsuccessful keywords |
3 |
‘Linguistic’ database |
1 |
of demands |
2 |
field for free keywords |
3 |
Building a linguistic system |
4 |
Cleaning field bound keywords |
4 |
Output GIS-D |
1 |
Buiding a GIS-D-facility |
2 |
3D-map AHN |
3 |
Connection GIS-CAD |
5 |
‘Help’-files |
6 |
Facilitating maintenance |
1 |
facility IAAI-committee |
2 |
other maintenance |
7 |
External users |
1 |
Former pupils |
2 |
Software adaptations |
3 |
Rights |
4 |
Security |
5 |
Payment system |
6 |
Faculties |
7 |
universities |
8 |
Consultants |
9 |
Real estate developers |
10 |
Building industries |
11 |
Trouble shooting |
8 |
Developing DSSystems |
1 |
Deltanet DSS |
2 |
Water system |
3 |
Rural system |
4 |
Transport system |
5 |
Urban system |
faculty |
N.W.O. |
I.C.E.S |
E.M.R. |
Input differentiation initially consists of experimenting the connection with different existing databases and educational projects and research projects producing design drawings within the faculty. These experiments
create the know how to automatize the scripts by which groups of also external users can
make their query themselves. The faculty chose in four categories each one
project to gain experience and to draw up a programme of demands until 2002-07.
After 2002-7 this work should be contracted out, if possible to the faculty Informatietechnologie en systemen DUT. The estimated costs are € 75 000.
Improving database functionality aims at
facilitating building design specific semantic search problems, by counting them, and adding associations with
keywords as well as their automatic translation. At the same time should be prevented that the
association list does
silt up, by choices of keywords proven useless. A cleaning mechanism should be
developed with the professional group involved.
functionality could have a favourable influence on the problematic vocabulary of the
profession and thus on the retrievability of
design drawings. Little experience has been gained by such functionality. The
estimated costs are €100 000.
Even with a
strict programme of demands within a location to be built on, the combinatoric
explosion of design alternatives is theoretically and practically
indescribable. Naming design interventions with different programmes, is one of
the most difficult barriers in the way to pure design research. The designer
always meets new categories not
covered by existing names. This problem concentrates in making images
retrievable or searching them with such design characteristics in mind. In the
IAAI a solution is approached by (eventually nested) sentence functions, combining keywords by
simple syntax, common in mathematics. This solution avoids field names. Preliminary investigation turned out that
design-oriented research programmes, vague as they may seem to outsiders, could
be summarized in more exact, sometimes even clarifying sentence functions.
Consequently a more lucid retrieval mechanism comes into being, rather than
using operators like
‘and’, ‘or’ or ‘near’, common in the internet. This method lend itself also to
connect fieldnames to keywords. So the existing database can be turned simply
into a ‘linguistic’ one. The problem to be solved is the slowness of search.
Therefore the Faculty needs help from the faculty
Informatietechnologie en systemen DUT. The estimated costs are €125 000.
The Faculty
of Architecture has no GIS-D software and hardware at its disposal with enough capacity to
handle a file like AHN fast
enough. After purchasing such a system (Krebbers), IAAI requires inserting 3D drawings in this
file and updating it by photogrammetric adaptation of field inventories.
the Faculty needs help from the faculty Civil engineering and Geosciences
subfaculty Geodesie DUT. The estimated costs are €150 000.
The help files, concerning the building profession, can be
made by the faculty itself. As far as it concerns instructions to the new
possibilities the IAAI offers, this work could be done by the chair of prof. Sariyildiz (Stouffs). The estimated costs are €50 000.
earlier mentioned facilities, other possibilities to minimize the effort of maintenance will
come up running the system. The estimated costs are €50 000.
The value
of the IAAI for pure research increases, when also external users are
involved and supply images. The effort to interest and facilitate these parties
surpasses the capacity of the faculty. For this part subsidy by ICES/KIS-3,
theme 4 is requested.
experience in developing a design and decision support system for
Deltametropolis (Deltanet DSS) showed the necessity to make many projects
retrievable. They have to be evaluated by the DSS in
well-defined perspectives. This kind of DSS presupposes the existence of a database
like IAAI(registration).
The costs
of hardware are negligible compared with the effort to make the software. Most
investments are already made and the maintainance will accompany the normal
hardware investments of the faculty.
The table
below summarizes the above estimated costs
and coverage.
in 1000 Euro |
Faculty of Architecture DUT |
Habiforum (EMR) |
investment by the faculty |
Programme of demands 1999 |
50 |
Prototype 2002 |
50 |
of input |
10 |
65 |
functionality |
1 |
100 |
database |
1 |
125 |
1 |
150 |
software and data |
50 |
‘Help’-files |
10 |
50 |
maintenance |
1 |
50 |
Deltanet DSS 2000 |
135 |
users |
150 |
manager |
30 |
15 |
Assistant |
20 |
10 |
assistants |
10 |
Total |
134 |
640 |
135 |
175 |
Grey: done |
In a preliminary study, an interactive image archive for the faculty was
considered possible within a year, with a budget of € 250 000. The faculty
assigned for the first year a budget of € 50 000, with de Jong as project
manager (0.2 FTE) and a student (0.4 FTE) as assistant. The project manager
accepted this order noting that with 20% of the budget per year, realization
would take 5 years. The project is realized in 4 years according to per year
available manpower and budget[aa], part of a faculty pilot project
‘The Architectural Intervention’. Including advice from and to the
faculty like making a copyright free downloadable map of the Netherlands in 20 layers[bb], the investment until now could be
estimated to € 200 000. A report of
progress was made every year[cc]. The developed software was
documented externally; ongoing software
documentation is recorded in the software itself, available for future external
software development.
In view of the start budget, the project manager chose a free-lance
programmer (Stelpstra) to make the database and the
output system using the operating system LINUX. The small-scale organisation and
fastly-available LINUX software made possible an integration of initiating,
defining, designing and building the system with feed back to earlier phases.
So the programme of demands could be adapted to steadily growing new demands from the faculty
running the development, until it received stability at last[dd]. These new demands came up during
presentations of the programme within the faculty. As a result sometimes the
programme was reshuffled radically to keep future developments such as
‘linguistic’ databases open[ee].
The full images are located decentralized on a MS DOS server space of
the suppliers (authors, students and researchers) with a linguistic unformatted
text copy of full sentence functions. The suppliers can remove or
process the images themselves. The accessibility of all images on different server spaces is controlled every night
by the central LINUX operated database, the obsolete
images are removed from the central database automatically. The storage
and output contain among many other facilities an automated selection of the
100 best documented images, facilitating the suggested board periodically to
make a selection of a top 10 for the home page. From this page the image search
can start immediately and non-verbally.
After some experiments with a locally downloadable version of the input
programme in MS Visual Basic, it is now integrated in the web
site locally using MS Access. To make other image archives and
image supplying projects in the faculty accessible via IAAI for these projects,
some local scripts are made and tested.
Because many image characteristics delivered by the suppliers do not fit
in the 130 now existing keyword fields, field 131 is suitable for free keywords, to be registered as full sentence functions. That field however makes searching
slower, but by that, the system also is prepared for the development of more linguistic databases without keyword fields defined in advance. Consequently, images
difficult to define in advance, also can be searched according to research themes or image characteristics. Notions like 'villa as a function
of the landscape' or 'landscape as a function of a villa' already can be searched as full sentence functions like villa(landscape) or landscape(villa).
Input is still a bottleneck. To find an image requires more keywords than to find a text. An image says more than a thousand words, but
which words are these? The characteristics of design are difficult to name. Semantic associations play an important role. Associating can be facilitated by the
computer, when it registers successful
searches, usable in new searches. When the
images are poorly documented, they are less retrievable from the viewpoint of a
specific research theme. It stresses the more when the number of stored images
increases. Many of them will never be found then by lack of documentation.
The selection of images from the present stock still does not always
prove to fulfil the specifications via the internet, because of inaccurate
input. After some experiments in the pilot project of the faculty, the Architectural Intervention in 1999, a more user-friendly decentralized input programme was
developed in MS Visual Basic[ff]. It served as a programme of
demands for a more robust version developed in 2001, to be integrated in the
web site, using local facilities from MS
More simple versions are derived from this extended robust version, as a
basis of scripts for different existing image archives, to be opened up by IAAI[gg]. The faculty has for instance a
valuable collecion of slides (diatheek). They are gradually digitised and
stored with a local input programme. A script is written to connect this
programme to the IAAI in such a way, that as soon as new slides are documented
and stored there, they will also be retrievable on the web site of IAAI next
day. Many projects in the faculty need their own tapered input facility,
exporting automatically several keywords characteristic for the project as a
One final image of IAAI(registration) is a 3D map of the Netherlands in different scenarios you can fly through
virtually, designed by the designers, most of whom will design the Netherlands
(‘flight simulator’). Reasoning back from this image a
number of new demands become clear. A 3D map of the Netherlands should be
available, as well as hardware and software to handle it (GIS-D). In this map the 3D images should
be mounted every day as soon as they are announced. The designs have to be
available in a special format, but they are supplied in different
formats. They will have to be translated.
When you fly through the future Netherlands, you will see popular spots
covered by different designs simultaneously. The system has to choose the
portrayed designs on the basis of a selected scenario. The present input programme and
database already provide the possibility to note in which European, national,
regional contexts and perspectives (scenarios) the design can function. This is also important when
the images will be used in the phase of systematization bij a DSS, but this
increases the effort of input.
Frieling[ii] located the registration and categorizing of images in a broader future
perpective of decision (or design) support systems (DSS). Categorizable recorded single images, easily retrievable from the
IAAI on many characteristics, could be systematized, composed and transformed
in new designs, to be utilized in decision games.
E.M.R. (in the mean time Habiforum) subsidized on the basis of that idea a project Deltanet DSS[jj].
This project is directed at the
design of nodal points and traffic calculations in the 'Deltametropool'.
IAAI(registration) however, for the
time being, is limited to professional input and retrieval per image. The name
of the supplying project is one of the keywords. By that keyword one can find
all the images and documentation of the project simultaneously, but the
clarification of their connection should be found in an eventually linked web
side. One of the keywords in the IAAI is such an eventual link.
By other keywords or sentence
functions however, images from different projects can be called, to be transformed
in a new coherence (systematisation) and applicated in new designs (Design Support).
In the registration part of IAAI the
first matter of importance is the professional interest for design research and
research by design. The output and export via Internet, the open architecture and decentralized storage then makes possible to utilize
the images in different, also external
DS systems. Even competing or future image
archives can utilize this decentralized
documented stock of images.
Geodan has put a map of the
Netherlands, up to street level zoomable, at
the disposal of the IAAI to find images topographically via the internet. The
director of Geodan, Scholten (professor GIS-applications VU Amsterdam) brought
to the attention of a nearly nationwide covering 3D file, the Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland, AHN[kk] (Meetkundige Dienst RWS). The first
version of this file was made by Geodan measuring the altitude every 4 metre
with a laser camera by air. The tolerance was 8 cm[ll], too large for the demands of RWS (5 cm). Such a file however is already useful for the intended flight simulator, for students of design education,
for design research and research by design, when the tolerance is 30 cm. The
director of the Meetkundige Dienst Feinaud opened the possibility to put such a map under special
conditions for free disposal of the IAAI for non commercial educational
purposes. It supplies a 3D map with buildings, simulated by columns of 4x4
metre, enough for mass-space studies on an urban scale. More precise mapping can result from
photographs on location by photogrammetric
treatment of the image, subject of research by the subfaculty of Geodesy and Industrial Design DUT[mm]. Such treatment can be done by students and researchers themselves
making the map more precise on relevant spots.
The CAD atelier of the Faculty of Architecture DUT (Krebbers) now studies the relevance and
application possibilities of Geographic
Information Systems (GIS) in design education. A distinction
has to be made between the already extensive developed analytical applications
(GIS) and the less developed applications in favour of design (GIS-D).
The Province of South-Holland, the Ministries LNV and VROM already have advanced possibilities to retrieve zoning plans, master
plans, regional
plans, land
consolidation plans, and their topographic backgrounds. They are, however not publicly
accessible and not accessible for research and education. They obey extended international protocols and keyword lists, but with a limited relevance for design research and research by design.
Translating 3D CAD images in different formats to the AHN and inserting them in a GIS environment to make a GIS-D environment still demands an extensive effort.
Connecting databases with different keyword lists and fieldnames is
another effort.
Within the framework of the IAAI(DS-E.M.R.) and as part of her thesis, Tisma has contacted the software company Waterproof (Amsterdam) to make building projects retrievable on user
characteristics. As a result of that project, this company has developed
software to elicit database demands from arbitrary clients. The result could be, that clients
could develop and change scripts for exporting and importing data themselves. This development is
likely important for the implementation of IAAI.
Since the first programme of demands (1999)[nn] new demands and possibilities came up. They lead to a new programme.
The new demands concern:
the input user friendly and attractive to
different target groups;
the database into a ‘linguistic’ system with
free field names;
the output into a flight simulator combining CAD and GIS;
help files for input and output
tapered to researchers, designers and other users;
facilities for maintenance and organization
input and output accessible for external users.
The first programme of requirements
is largely realized. These demands are repeated here only in the case they are
not yet realized and still urgent. For a general image of the possibilities we
refer to the website[oo] and for more insight to the relevant report[pp]. On minor points the present IAAI deviates from that programme. Some
items are passed by present possibilities, some still receive attention, but
are considered as less urgent in view of new possibilities.
Even if the now available input
software is tested sufficiently, implementation still requires a long-lasting
and stubborn organisational effort to motivate and connect potential suppliers
of images to the IAAI, starting with those of the faculty itself. By that,
experience is gained in solving problems of external import to generalize it in
a common scripting facility. It becomes easier running the development of such a facility and as
soon as a critical mass of images is reached. These connections of databases required are especially in the
beginning effort from the side of the suppliers. They should be motivated and facilitated to formulate their demands
for input in such a way, that the programmer could make the input for them as
easy and attractive as possible. Here the software of Waterproof perhaps already can play a role.
Then for each target group (for instance educational projects, an ‘atelier’) their own time saving script should be included in the
database and website with a possibility to alter when needed.
There are 4 types of scripts for
shorter input[qq]:
2D images of existing building details,
buildings, neigbourhoods and districts
Mediatheek of slides (Bijleveld)[rr]
Archive of maps (vacancy)
archive (Saariste)
archive (van Geest)
examples (Risselada, Haaksma)
2D images of designed future
building details, buildings, neigbourhoods and districts
Graduate projects afterwards (DOS)[ss]
projects in advance (examencommissie, Curriculumvernieuwing)
Results of the pilot project Architectural Intervention (Klaasen)
First educational module (Weeber)
input via the existing programme
3D images of existing building details,
buildings, neigbourhoods and districts
Portfolioproject (Sariyildiz)[tt]
CAD atelier (Barendse)
CAD lab (Koutamanis, vLoon)
Deltam (Tisma)
Individual input via the existing
4D moving
and calculated images
IAAI(DSS-E.M.R.) (Frieling)[uu]
Architecture lab (Oosterhuis)
lab (Rots)
For every catagory the past
half-year contacts with representatives of one of the named faculty projects
resulted in experimental scripts (see footnotes).
The input of 2D images of existing projects can be
quite complete, preferably with their historical context and the perspective at
that time, because all specifications are known. They enable the flight
simulator to evoke historical images like the Vermeer-project does with the images of Delft at
that time. The input only can be done by professional employees. That only will
happen when they have advantages from the IAAI. The input should be pleasant,
the use in lecture rooms self-evident, and the IAAI the standard of the
The 2D images of daily newly
designed objects can be easily imported and changed already with the existing
input programme. The database controls every night whether they are changed and
actually available on the respective personal server space.
The 3D images require more data and thus
effort for input, because their location require more exact coordinates and
orientation in the AHN and a selection of appearances
to be shown fast. When a designer puts them at the disposal for download in the
IAAI, the personal server space might need a high capacity.
There is not yet much experience
concerning 4D moving and calculated
concerning context and perspective characteristics supposed by the
imported design (also important to distinguish scenarios in the flight simulator and phases of systematizing), should be brought together in a matrix according to the diagram below
to faciltate quick output. In such a diagram choices can be made fast by
clicking and double clicking (context
CONTEXT and impacts within a PERSPECTIVE |
Variable per
level of scale and period of
change. For example: tentative nationally: managerial: initiative (!) < > (?) laissez-faire 7
years cultural: traditional (<) < > (>) experimental 15
years economics: growth (+) < > (-) shrinkage 30 years technical: combination (/) < > (x) specialization 60
years ecological: heterogeneous (v) < > (o)
homogeneous 120 years mass-space-time: concentration (C) < > (D)
deconcentration 240 years |
keyboard (example: Stedenland perspective (VROM 1998) and impacts (grey)) |
Searching by the flight simulator a
scenario can be chosen striking a ‘chord’. With a touch screen it could
eventually be ‘played’ quite literally like a musical instrument, while zoomed
in on a location. By that the effort of input and retrieval is diminished.
The same representation can be used
to locate the expected and unexpected impacts readable from the image within the regarding
A free
keyword with an image may be a
non-existent expression (neologism) when expressions for a characteristic of the image or design do not
yet exist. This may be an important contribution to the concept formation for research by design. That’s
why IAAI does not assume a thesaurus of allowed expressions. The
results of the methodology project mentioned on page 2 force us to that conclusion and new
software facilitating associations will solve the problem.
Uncommon expressions however, will
not contribute to the accessibility of the image unless the expression is
adopted by more designers. That often happens by fashion or around the ideas of
a famous architect or popular design teacher (‘schoolvorming’). In the past these neologisms were a source of difficuly in naming design characteristics, and making them manageable.
In view of that, in the input
programme where one can register free keywords as sentence functions now already appears a scroll
list of associations, between teachers and their terms
of reference, and a scroll list of most searched headwords from the faculty library. This should be extended by an alphabetical scroll list of all keywords
already used with any other image in the database and the number of their
occurrence (common keywords in a commonness list). Choosing one of them with a higher occurrence results in a higher
score of accessibility and a higher chance to be chosen in the home page.
Besides a commonness list in the
input programme, a list should be available indicating the number of preceding
search failures on the chosen word and the associated words that have succeeded
in these searches. On that basis the computer could put together a semantic ‘association list’ with each used word. These lists also can be used while searching in
the database. Finding no suitable images the programme can give associations to
look for as well. Anybody can add associations by simulating a search starting
with an unsuccessful keyword, and ending with a word that will succeed.
In this way, Dutch, English, German,
French of Spanish translation can be added as associations of
common keywords. The result will be that when putting in a foreign word, one
gets a number of proposals to search for more common keywords as well
The author of the image should get
an Email, when her or his image is found after a long search with many other
keyword trials (author feed back). She or he is suggested to include some of these keywords in the
documentation with the image. The reward is a higher rating of accessability.
Users, seaching an image should have
the opportunity to press a ‘disappointment
button’. The result is a periodical list of misleading expressions and
associations, based on an analysis of failing search paths, and proposals to drop unsuccessful keywords.
The possibilities of the database
accepting this input, storing, checking, controlling, protecting and publishing
it on the internet taking care af an optimal accessibility, should be extended
(database functionality). Each supplier after all has always new categories of keywords to
describe her or his images better then the available 130 asked for by the input
programme. They are inspired by the pilot project ‘The Architectural Intervention’ and the future supplier not only wants more but also less (see for
instance the criticism of Oosterhuis[ww]). The input script specified for each target group not only takes care
to avoid unnecessary questions, but it should also be able to add new questions
as soon as they become necessary. These new categories of keywords now already
can be imported, but they are stored in the 131st field for free keywords with a simple syntactical
addition (sentence function). Looking up by these keywords takes too much time. The present
database therefore should be turned into a more flexible and faster linguistic system without limitations of
fieldnames, able to store any conceivable category of keywords.
The documented[xx] database now operates under LINUX and communicates without problem
with input and output via MS Windows. LINUX programmers are less available then MS DOS Windows programmers and
exchange with common programs like Oracle, GIS and CAD could give problems.
Otherwise LINUX is cheap, stable, open and adaptable. The development of
‘Linguistic’ databases are not very advanced and a closer study is required to
determine how the 131st field could be programmed to incorporate the
other fields.
Important conditions to develop the output into a flight simulator are already created, but there
is a long way to cash in on them. For the probably available 3D AHN, a GIS-D environment has to be created,
able to store, supply and show fastly the required parts on every request via
the internet. Moreover the file has to be updated with more recent and precise
data, collected by researchers and students. Then the 3D designs have to be inserted according to
the specifications any time they are requested by a user via the internet. They
have to be translated from the original format (AUTOCAD, MAYA and so on) and should be
downloadable in any format the user likes.
To develop interactive educational help files at the input and output, adapted
to researchers, designers and external users, requires a battery of experts.
They should, according to a given format, write instructions educating novice
users to professional producers, and researchers of design drawings as scientific documents. These texts can grow into introductory courses CAD, GIS-D and
professionally publishing about design
research, and publishing about research
by design.
Making help files is not a software
problem, but requires much effort. The connection with places in the programme
where help files context sensitive appear, requires ongoing consultation with
the programmer and steady, durable
organizational lines.
The existing programme gives already
much attention to facilitate the maintenance of the system. A proposed IAAI committee should choose periodically the
ten best images out of the best documented ones for the home page as a start
for searches. The system summarises the top
100 best documented and the top 100
most often consulted images to choose from. The proposed committee constitutes
out of them a top 10 for the home page where every
search will start verbally or non-verbally by image. Earlier top tens can
be dropped from further competition. The members of the committee should be
facilitated by the possibility of only clicking their preferences at any time
or from any screen they want by means of a password.
Other possibilities to minimize the
effort of maintenance will come up running the system.
To make IAAI accessible for external users like former students, other
faculties and universities, higher vocational education, consultancies, real
estate developers, building industries, requires more robust software, more
security measures and a payment system. Such adaptations come up when the
system functions within the faculty and proves its value there. In connection
with that, ongoing study is required of the function of competing image archives, new software and hardware IAAI has to joint in with. The IAAI has to
be elaborated as simple and open as possible not to miss these connections. Taeke M. de Jong(1999-03-30)
1. Het IBA verzamelt en bewaart beelden die in het kader van onderwijs en onderzoek aan de Faculteit Bouwkunde worden gemaakt en maakt deze naast andere, elders ontwikkelde beeldarchieven optimaal en interactief voor onderzoek en onderwijs toegankelijk.
2. Het pilotproject 'De Architectonische Interventie' (AI) dient voorlopig als proefomgeving voor de levering en het gebruik van tekeningen en andere beelden. Daarna moet het IBA voor de gehele faculteit ook afzonderlijk kunnen functioneren.
3. De beelden zijn toegankelijk en opvraagbaar via het computernetwerk van de Faculteit Bouwkunde en voor zover toelaatbaar via het Internet.
4. Bij gebruik van de beelden wordt bronvermelding verplicht gesteld. Bij gebruik van de beelden op een andere site dan waarvan zij afkomstig zijn moeten zij behalve een bronvermelding ook door een aanklikbare link direkt verbonden worden met de site waarvan zij afkomstig zijn.
5. De beelden worden in elk geval opgeslagen in de formaten JPG, GIF of DXF
6. De kwaliteit van de beelden:
6.1. moet voor zover zij ten behoeve van het terugzoeken in eerste instantie op het scherm verschijnen voldoende zijn om hun inhoud te herkennen, zonder tot een voor enige gebruiker onaanvaardbare beeldopbouwtijd te leiden ('thumbnail', voorlopig 120x90 pixels);
6.2. moet in tweede instantie door aanklikken van de thumbnail een weergave met hogere resolutie ('standaardweergave', indien beschikbaar voorlopig 600x450 pixels) opleveren, voldoende voor een illustratie van 6cm breedte in een onderzoekrapport, met een voor gebruikers van aan het net gekoppelde computers op de Faculteit aanvaardbare beeldopbouwtijd;
6.3. In derde instantie wordt gestreefd naar een adressering waarbij originelen of hoogwaardige afdrukken of electronische beelden met een zeer hoge resolutie bij de auteur of direkt van het net op een serverlocatie met daartoe gereserveerde ruimte, opvraagbaar zijn.
6.4. In vierde instantie worden tekeningen die als vectorbestand beschikbaar komen ook als zodanig opgeslagen en via het net als geheel of object- of laagsgewijs ter beschikking gesteld.
6.5. Een selectie van deze laatste beelden zijn op termijn op het scherm zinvol bewerkbaar en na bewerking als rastertekening van het net afneembaar met de dan aanwezige internet-technologie.
7. De beelden zijn terugzoekbaar via, en worden per beeld in een standaarddocument op het net vergezeld door, de volgende verplichte***, aanbevolen**, gangbare* en vrije trefwoorden:
7.1. auteur(...), de auteur van het beeld of de tekening***;
het Email-adres van de auteur***;
7.3. webauteur(…), het webadres van de auteur**;
7.4. webproject(... …), het webadres van het project waarbinnen het beeld een functie vervult***:
7.5. datum(...), de datum van laatste bewerking door de auteur***;
7.6. titel(...)[yy], een unieke titel van maximaal 30 letters en cijfers die als bestandsnaam (onderdeel van het webadres) van het beeld wordt gebruikt, eventueel gevolgd door een volgnummer wanneer het om een serie beelden gaat ***;
7.7. thumbnail(…)[zz], een verwijzing naar een kopie van 120x90 pixels in dezelfde directory als het beeld**;
7.8. scherpbeeld(…), een verwijzing naar een 'origineel' in hoge resolutie.
7.9. postcode(...), de postcode van de locatie**;
7.10. plankader(...), het kader (schaal) van het plangebied, uitgedrukt in meters karakteristieke straal in de reeks 1m, 3m, 10m …**;
7.11. studiekader(...), het kader (schaal) van het studiegebied uitgedrukt in meters karakteristieke straal in de reeks 1m, 3m, 10m …**;
7.12. planondergrond(... …), een verwijzing (internetadres) naar de kaart die het plangebied en zijn locatie weergeeft alsmede de datum waarop deze ondergrond is opgenomen**;
7.13. studieondergrond(...), een verwijzing (internetadres) naar de kaart die het studiegebied en zijn locatie weergeeft alsmede de datum waarop deze ondergrond is opgenomen **;
7.14. themabeeld(… …), een verwijzing naar het internetadres waar tenminste 3 beelden uit SWING te vinden zijn die een thematisch beeld geven van indicatoren van productie, consumptie en distributie in het studiegebied alsmede de trefwoorden waarin deze thema's in indicatoren worden uitgewerkt**;
7.15. planwateroppervlakte(...) planonverhardoppervlakte(...) planverhardoppervlakte(...) planbebouwdoppervlakte(...), de in het plan betrokken grondoppervlakte, uitgedrukt in m2, ten minste gespecificeerd naar de categorieën water, onverhard, verhard, bebouwd**.
7.16. produktievloeroppervlaktete(...) distributievloeroppervlakte(...) consumptievloeroppervlakte(...) restvloeroppervlakte(...), het in het plan betrokken vloeroppervlak, uitgedrukt in m2, ten minste gespecificeerd naar ruimten voor productie, distributie, consumptie en 'onbepaald of multifunctioneel'**.
7.17. actoren(...), de actoren in het bouwproces voor wie de tekening of het beeld een rol kan vervullen, de 'doelgroep' **;
7.18. exterieurreferentie(... ...), een verwijzing (internetadres) naar een situatief of architectonisch referentiebeeld en een trefwoord dat de vergelijkingsgrondslag weergeeft**;
7.19. interieurreferentie(... ...), een verwijzing (internetadres) naar een constructief of architectonisch referentiebeeld en een trefwoord dat de vergelijkingsgrondslag weergeeft**;
7.20. context(...), een verwijzing (internetadres) van de AItabel waarin de context van het beeld of project wordt weergegeven**;
7.21. perspectief(...), een verwijzing (internetadres) van de AItabel waarin het perspectief (toekomstbeeld) van het beeld of project wordt weergegeven**;
7.22. trefwoorden die het beeld voor verschillende categorieën zoekers karakteriseren, zoals:
7.22.1. gangbare trefwoorden die zoveel als mogelijk het 'jargon' van de AI of het betrokken project volgen*;
7.22.2. vrije trefwoorden, waaronder neologismen zijn toegestaan.
8. Er zijn voorlopig zeven bronnen van beelden:
8.1. Nader te ontwikkelen voorbeelden voor de AI.
8.2. Persoonsgebonden websites van afstudeerders en onderzoekers bij de AI;
8.3. De projectgebonden websites, tot 1 september 1999 bestaande uit:
8.3.1. Buitenplaats(
8.3.2. Deltametropool(
8.3.3. EnvironMENTAL_Design(
8.3.4. Hybrides(
8.3.5. Nieuwe_Stedelijke_Woonvormen(
8.3.6. Overstapmachine(
8.4. Een voor de AI geproduceerde auteursrechtvrije vectorkaart van Nederland in ruim 30 lagen.
8.5. Het voor de AI door ABF geproduceerde programma SWING, waarmee voor de bouwkunde relevante socaal-economische gegevens van Nederland tot op postcodeniveau op kaartfragmenten van verschillend formaat kunnen worden geprojecteerd en door de gebruiker in de vectorkaart ingepast.
8.6. De dia's van alle afstudeerprojecten van de faculteit die bij buluitreikingen vanaf 1 september 1999 worden getoond.
8.7. De externe websites die in enige site van de AI worden geciteerd.
9. De beelden worden met een voor de AI ontwikkelde zoekmachine dagelijks automatisch geregistreerd, terugzoekbaar gemaakt en geselecteerd in het 'intelligente' deel van de website van de Architectonische_Interventie(
9.1. Het registratie-en terugzoekmechanisme in deze site kan daaruit later betrekkelijk eenvoudig worden losgemaakt en verder ontwikkeld als Faculteits-IBA.
9.2. Het selectiemechanisme omvat:
9.2.1. een dagelijkse automatische telling van het aantal trefwoorden dat per beeld wordt geboden, waarbij verplichte trefwoorden driemaal tellen, aanbevolen tweemaal;
9.2.2. een dagelijkse telling van het voorkomen van elk trefwoord bij verschillende beelden (gangbaarheid)[aaa];
9.2.3. de berekening van een toegankelijkheidsscore per beeld uit het product van beide;
9.2.4. een dagelijkse telling van het aantal malen dat een beeld door een aangebrachte link buiten de bronsite binnen de AI wordt 'gesiteerd' ('sitatie-index')[bbb] en een ophoging van de toegenkelijkheidsscore van elk 'gesiteerd' beeld met een nader te bepalen aantal punten per sitatie, resulterend in een 'wetenschappelijke relevantie score';
9.2.5. een dagelijkse publicatie van de auteurs en unieke titels van de honderd hoogst scorende beelden in de website van de AI;
9.2.6. een maandelijkse selectie van de esthetisch en wetenschappelijk beste tien beelden (top-tien) door een daartoe in te stellen IBA-top-tien-commissie;
9.3. De zoekmogelijkheden worden op de AI-site toegankelijk gemaakt:
9.3.1. door een automatische publicatie van de top-tien-auteurs als introductie van de pagina 'projects' van de AI-site, bestaande uit vijf aanklikbare thumbnails naast elkaar per auteur, voorzien van de naam van de auteur waarin zij/hij werkzaam is. Bij aanklikken verschijnt de standaarweergave met alle trefwoorden en bijbehorende vindplaatsen die bij het beeld behoren (zie 7) en waarvan sommige op hun beurt aanklikbaar zijn.
9.3.2. als volledige alfabetisch scrollende en bij losse invoer springende trefwoordenlijst op de pagina 'catchwords'. Daarbij gelden de namen van auteurs, locaties enz. ook als trefwoord. In deze lijst wordt geen enkel onderscheid gemaakt, zelfs niet naar de taal waarin het trefwoord is gesteld. Wanneer men een trefwoord kiest, verschijnt een lijst van verwante trefwoorden die men in de zoekopdracht kan betrekken. Verwante trefwoorden zijn Nederlandse vertalingen, synomiemen, andere spelwijzen (bij 'stedebouw' wordt ook 'stedenbouw' gezocht)[ccc], andere weergaven (met of zonder hoofdletters) of losse woorden die in enig samengesteld trefwoord zijn opgenomen. Als men het trefwoord en zijn geaccepteerde verwanten tot een zoekvraag heeft samengesteld en opgegeven, verschijnt een lijst met aanklikbare adressen die naar de vindplaats verwijzen. De vindplaats kan ook een tekst zijn waarin het trefwoord als trefwoord is weergegeven, dat wil zeggen met een aansluitend haakje-openen zonder spatie.
9.3.3. op een (voorlopig éénmaal inzoombare) kaart van Nederland waarin elk beeld of (afstudeer)project waarvan de locatie bekend is als stip verschijnt. Klikt men op een stip, dan verschijnt een uitvergroting van de kaart. Klikt men op een stip in deze uitvergroting, dan verschijnt een lijst van auteurs waarvan beelden beschikbaar zijn.
9.3.4. via de projecten en hun eigen sites onder de pagina 'a virtual transformation';
9.3.5. via de lijst personen op de pagina's onder 'people'.
9.3.6. via de literatuurverwijzingen op de pagina's onder 'publications'.
9.3.7. via de pagina 'overview of all available pictures' onder de pagina 'sitemap'. Het doorzoeken van deze opsomming van thumbnails is de meest van het toeval afhankelijke en dus gemiddeld meest tijdrovende zoekwijze.
10.1.het beeld of een genummerde serie beelden met dezelfde titel, maar gevolgd door verschillende volgnummers:
10.1.2. in het thumbnailformaat van 120x90 pixels met een titel als onder 10.1.1, echter gevolgd door een t, bijvoorbeeld fotoreportage_Rijnsweert1t.jpg.
10.1.3. eventueel in een formaat met hogere resolutie onder dezelfde titel, gevolgd door een h, bijvoorbeeld fotoreportage_Rijnsweert1h.jpg.
10.2.een HTML-bestand onder dezelfde titel zonder achtervoegsel, maar met de extensie .HTM waarin in elk geval het standaardformaat is opgenomen met alle verplichte en eventueel aanbevolen en vrije trefwoorden als onder 7 (slechts gescheiden door een spatie). Alle trefwoorden worden zonder spatie gevolgd door twee haakjes () waarbinnen eventueel andere trefwoorden kunnen worden 'genest'.
10.3.andere HTML-bestanden waarnaar via deze trefwoorden wordt verwezen zoals het web van de auteur, de planondergrond, de studieondergrond, het themabeeld, de exterieur- en interieurreferentie, de context en het perpectief.
11. Het beheer van het IBA moet worden geminimaliseerd. Het wordt voorlopig geďntegreerd in dat van de website van de AI en kan daaruit te zijner tijd worden losgemaakt. Deze site ontleent zijn materiaal aan de daaronder ressorterende projectsites en deze op hun beurt ontlenen hun materiaal weer aan daaronder ressorterende persoonlijke sites. Het beheer van de websites wordt voor zover als mogelijk geautomatiseerd en degelegeerd door: bij de AI betrokken studenten en onderzoekers te vragen een persoonlijke website te maken en te onderhouden volgens het format van de projectsites en met inachtname van het gestelde in 10; projectwebverantwoordelijken van de bij de AI betrokken projecten te vragen:
11.2.1. ervoor te zorgen dat in de bestaande projectwebsite alle deelprojecten, personen, agendapunten en data worden vermeld, en de nog openstaande vragen beantwoord zijn volgens de daar gegeven aanwijzingen en indeling;
11.2.2. te stimuleren dat elke deelnemende student en onderzoeker naar het voorbeeld van de projectwebsite een persoonlijke website maakt en beheert in de daarvoor gereserveerde serverruimte (3Mb per student), zodat daaruit eenvoudig de beelden en gegevens kunnen worden betrokken voor het projectweb;
11.2.3. in de projectsites op elke daartoe in aanmerking komende plaats links naar de persoonlijke sites op te nemen;
11.2.4. deze sites regelmatig na te lopen op voortgang en nieuwe beelden ten einde daarvan in overleg met de projectvoorzitter selecties op te nemen in de projectwebsite. Een opname in de projectwebsite geldt als 'sitatie' in de zin van 9.2.4;
11.2.5. voorstellen aan de AI-programmeur te doen om deze werkzaamheden te automatiseren AI-site met het beeldarchief met wachtwoorden te verdelen in onderdelen waarvoor verschillende mensen verantwoordelijk zijn.
11.3.1. P.M.
12. De lay-out van de AI-site en het IBA moet herkenbaar en artistiek verantwoord zijn
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2D images............................................ 15; 16
3D designs................................................. 18
3D images............................................ 15; 16
3D landscape............................................... 2
3D map.................................................. 2; 13
3D-landschap............................................... 3
4D images.................................................. 16
accessibility............................................... 12
Actueel Hoogtebestand Nederland........ 2; 3; 13
afleesbaar.................................................... 3
AHN......................... 2; 3; 8; 10; 13; 14; 16; 18
alternatives................................................... 4
architectural archive................................. 8; 15
Architectural Intervention......... 8; 12; 13; 15; 17
Architecture lab....................................... 8; 16
association list.................................... 8; 9; 17
associations........................................... 9; 17
atelier........................................................ 15
author feed back......................................... 17
AUTOCAD.................................................. 18
Barendse................................................ 8; 15
Bekkering.................................................... 5
Bijleveld.................................................. 8; 15
books.......................................................... 6
building design.......................................... 4; 5
building industries......................................... 9
CAD atelier....................................... 8; 14; 15
CAD images............................................... 14
CAD lab................................................. 8; 15
capacity for input.......................................... 6
cases.......................................................... 6
categorizing................................................ 13
classic examples.................................... 8; 15
clients........................................................ 14
common keywords...................................... 17
commonness list..................................... 8; 17
comparable.................................................. 4
competing image archives...................... 13; 18
concept formation....................................... 17
connecting databases................................... 8
connections of databases............................ 15
consequenties.............................................. 3
consultants.................................................. 9
context........................................................ 4
context criteria............................................. 2
context keyboard........................................ 16
context of invention....................................... 4
context sensitive........................................... 2
contextgevoelig............................................. 3
context-kenmerken....................................... 3
contexts..................................................... 13
costs and coverage..................................... 11
curriculumvernieuwing.................................. 15
curricumumvernieuwing................................. 8
database................................................ 5; 15
database functionality.............................. 9; 17
decentralized storage.................................. 13
decision making........................................... 6
decision making institutions........................... 5
decision process.......................................... 6
deleting keywords......................................... 8
Deltam................................................... 8; 15
Deltametropolis............................................ 6
Deltametropool........................................... 13
Deltanet DSS........................................ 10; 13
design research...................................... 4; 14
design study................................................ 4
Design Support Systems......................... 8; 13
diatheek..................................................... 13
differentiate the input..................................... 2
disappointment button................................. 17
diversity of solutions...................................... 4
documentation.......................................... 5; 7
DOS...................................................... 8; 15
drawings as scientific documents................. 18
DSS..................................................... 10; 13
Duin............................................................ 5
durable organizational lines.......................... 18
E.M.R.................................................... 6; 13
educational module................................. 8; 15
educational projects................................ 9; 15
Eekhout................................................... 5; 6
examencommissie.................................. 8; 15
examples..................................................... 2
exhibitions................................................... 6
existing databases........................................ 9
external DS systems................................... 13
external users.............................. 9; 10; 15; 18
faculty Civil engineering and Geosciences subfaculty Geodesie DUT 10
faculty Informatietechnologie en systemen...... 9
faculty library.............................................. 17
faculty memory............................................. 7
failing search paths..................................... 17
feed back author........................................... 8
field bound keywords..................................... 8
field names.................................................. 9
flexibility...................................................... 4
flight simulator.................... 2; 3; 13; 14; 16; 18
format................................................... 13; 18
former pupils................................................ 9
forms........................................................... 4
free keywords.................................... 8; 12; 17
Fretton......................................................... 5
Frieling.................................. 3; 5; 6; 8; 13; 16
Geest..................................................... 8; 15
Geodan.............................................. 2; 3; 13
Geodesy.................................................... 14
Geographic Information Systems.................. 14
Geraerdts..................................................... 6
GIS............................................................ 14
GIS-CAD...................................................... 8
GIS-D.................................... 8; 10; 13; 14; 18
graduate projects.................................... 2; 15
graduate projects afterwards.......................... 8
graduate projects in advance.................... 8; 15
graduate studies........................................... 6
Haaksma................................................ 8; 15
Habiforum............................................... 6; 13
help........................................................... 15
help files............................................... 10; 18
historical archive..................................... 8; 15
historical images.......................................... 5
home page................................................. 12
Huijsmans.................................................... 7
I.C.E.S........................................................ 6
IAAI committee........................................... 18
IAAI(DS-E.M.R.)......................................... 14
IAAI(DSS-E.M.R.)................................... 8; 16
IAAI(registration)....................................... 2; 3
IAAI-committee............................................. 8
Image Archive Architectural Interventions..... 2; 3
image characteristics.................................. 12
impacts.................................................. 2; 16
implementation........................................... 15
individual input........................................ 8; 15
Industrial Design......................................... 14
input................................................. 7; 12; 15
input differentiation........................................ 9
international protocols................................. 14
internet.................................................... 2; 3
Jonge.......................................................... 6
keyword fields............................................. 12
keyword lists.............................................. 14
keywords................................................ 9; 12
keywords context and perspective................ 16
Klaasen.................................................. 8; 15
Koutamanis............................................ 8; 15
Krebbers........................................... 7; 10; 14
land consolidation plans.............................. 14
linguistic databases.................................... 12
linguistic storage.......................................... 2
linguistic system..................................... 8; 17
linguistische opslag...................................... 3
LINUX................................................... 12; 18
LNV........................................................... 14
Loon............................................... 6; 7; 8; 15
maintenance................................ 8; 10; 15; 18
map of the Netherlands.......................... 12; 13
maps..................................................... 8; 15
mass-space studies.................................... 14
master plans.............................................. 14
MAYA........................................................ 18
Mediatheek............................................. 8; 15
Meetkundige Dienst RWS.................... 2; 3; 14
metropolis.................................................... 6
Meyer.......................................................... 5
Ministries................................................... 14
MS Access........................................... 12; 13
MS DOS.................................................... 18
MS Visual Basic................................... 12; 13
MS Windows.............................................. 18
naamgeving van ontwerpingrepen.................... 3
naming and defining...................................... 5
naming design characteristics...................... 17
naming design interventions........................... 2
National Plan of Spatial Policy....................... 6
neologism.................................................. 17
new categories............................................. 9
new designs............................................... 13
non-verbal search.................................. 12; 18
obsolete images......................................... 12
Oosterhuis........................................ 8; 16; 17
Oosterom..................................................... 7
open architecture........................................ 13
operators..................................................... 9
output................................................... 15; 18
payment system........................................... 9
perspectief................................................... 3
perspectives.................................... 2; 4; 6; 13
photogrammetric treatment.......................... 14
portfolio........................................................ 6
portfolio of research....................................... 5
portfolioproject........................................ 8; 15
Priemus....................................................... 6
programme................................................... 4
programme of demands.......................... 12; 15
projects....................................................... 6
Province of South-Holland............................ 14
public debate................................................ 6
publishing about design research.................. 18
publishing about research by design............. 18
readable....................................................... 2
real estate developers................................... 9
regional plans............................................. 14
registration................................................. 13
report of progress........................................ 12
reports......................................................... 6
research by design.................................. 4; 14
research projects.......................................... 9
research themes......................................... 12
retrievability.................................................. 9
rights........................................................... 9
Risselada........................................... 5; 8; 15
robustness................................................... 4
Rots................................................... 6; 8; 16
Rural system.......................................... 9
RWS......................................................... 14
Saariste................................................. 8; 15
Sariyildiz....................................... 7; 8; 10; 15
scenario................................................. 2; 13
Scholten...................................................... 7
schoolvorming............................................. 17
script......................................................... 15
scripting facility........................................... 15
scripts.................................................. 13; 14
search problems........................................... 9
security....................................................... 9
selection...................................................... 5
semantic associations................................. 12
sentence functions......................... 5; 9; 12; 17
software adaptations..................................... 9
software documentation............................... 12
Stelpstra.................................................... 12
Stouffs................................................... 7; 10
study by design............................................ 4
successful searches................................... 12
suppliers.................................................... 15
syntactically composed keywords.................. 5
syntax......................................................... 9
systematization.......................................... 13
systematizing............................................. 16
tapered input................................................ 6
target group................................................ 15
technical lab........................................... 8; 16
terms of reference....................................... 17
thesaurus................................................... 17
Tisma............................................... 8; 14; 15
top 10................................................... 12; 18
top 100...................................................... 18
topographic backgrounds............................. 14
translation........................................... 8; 9; 17
transport system.......................................... 9
trouble shooting............................................ 9
typology....................................................... 4
Tzonis......................................................... 5
unique......................................................... 4
unsuccessful keywords............................... 17
urban system............................................... 9
verbal search.............................................. 18
Verbree........................................................ 7
Vermeer-project.......................................... 16
vocabulary.................................................... 9
Voorden................................................... 5; 6
VROM....................................................... 14
water system............................................... 9
Waterproof............................................ 14; 15
website...................................................... 15
Weeber.................................................. 8; 15
zoning plans............................................... 14
[a] Keywords from the keyword list on
page 26 are represented in the text in small capitals.
[c] , , , Boo, Marion de (2001) Een nieuw zicht op Delft (Delft) Delft Integraal 2001.3 TUDelft and Boo, Marion de (2001) Nieuw zicht op Delft (Amsterdam) NRC Handelsblad zaterdag 30 juni, bijlage Wetenschap en Onderwijs
[d] The problems of naming design interventions are
elaborated in Jong, T.M. de; Voordt, D.J.M. van der (2002) Ways to research and
study urban, architectural and technical design (Delft) DUP Science
[e] Trefwoorden uit de trefwoordenlijst op pagina 26 zijn in de tekst weergegeven in klein kapitaal.
[g] , , , Boo, Marion de (2001) Een nieuw zicht op Delft (Delft) Delft Integraal 2001.3 TUDelft and Boo, Marion de (2001) Nieuw zicht op Delft (Amsterdam) NRC Handelsblad zaterdag 30 juni, bijlage Wetenschap en Onderwijs
[h] De problemen van naamgeving van ontwerpingrepen zijn uitgewerkt in Jong, T.M. de; Voordt, D.J.M. van der (2002) Ways to research and study urban, architectural and technical design (Delft) DUP Science
[i] Pattern recognition techniques
still do not recognize design relevant characteristics.
[j] IAAI(registration) for instance is
a full sentence function that means ‘IAAI as a function of registration’ (Jong 2000; Jong and Graaf 2000; Jong and
Rosemann 2000; Jong and Voordt 2000).
[k] (Duin, Polak et al. 1984; Duin, Polak et al.
1985; Duin 1986; Duin 1987; Duin 1988; Duin 1990; Duin 1991; Barbieri, Duin et
al. 1992; Barbieri, Duin et al. 1992; Bal, Duin et al. 1996; Barbieri, Duin et
al. 1997; Barbieri, Duin et al. 2000; Jong and Duin 2000)
[l] (Tzonis 1982- present; Tzonis and Koutamanis
1990; Tzonis and Lefaivre 1992; Tzonis 1993; Tzonis and White 1994; Tzonis and
Lefaivre 1995; Tzonis, Lefaivre et al. 1995; Lefaivre and Tzonis 1999)
[m] (Risselada 1988; Risselada 1996)
[n] (Meyer 1996)
[o] (Eekhout 1996; Ridder and Eekhout 1996; Ridder and Eekhout 1996;
Eekhout 1998; Eekhout 1998; Eekhout 1998; Jong, Bergh et al. 2000)
[p] (Dewulf and Jonge 1994; Jonge, Priemus et al. 1998; Toorn Vrijthoff, Jonge et al. 1998; Toorn Vrijthoff, Jonge et al. 1998; Toorn Vrijthoff, Jonge et al. 1998)
[q] (Priemus 1970; Priemus 1972; Priemus 1978; Priemus and Grafe
1999, 2000; Jong and Priemus 2000)
[r] (Geraedts and Dekker 1995; Geraedts and Dekker
1995; Menheere and Geraerdts 1995; Geraerdts e.a 1996; Helm and Geraedts 1996)
[s] He developed the game MOMENTUM for
the project Nederland Nu Als Ontwerp (NNAO
1987; NNAO 1989; NNAO 1989). In this game The Netherlands could be designed until
2050 with real time comment of four political parties, changing their judgement
on every intervention.
[aa] See De Jong (2001-01-01) 'Het interactief beeldarchief (IBA) registratiefase'(Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT.
[cc] De Jong (dec. 1998) De Architectonische Interventie, Interactief Beeldarchief Jaarverslag 1998 Begroting 1999 (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT; De Jong (dec. 1999) Begroting en jaarverslag IBA 1999 (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[dd] De Jong (maart 1999) Programma van eisen aan het Interactief Beeldarchief (IBA) (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[ee] De Jong (1999, june) Staat en perspectief van het Interactief Beeldarchief (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT; De Jong (1999, october) Interactief BeeldArchief (IBA) in wording (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[ff] De Jong (april 2000) IBA-invoerprogramma (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[gg] See for instance Van Geest (2000) Faculteit Bouwkunde Collectieplan (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[hh] De Jong (2000-11-25) ImplementatieProjecten IBA(registratie) (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[ii] Frieling (juni 1999) Interactief Beeldarchief (IBA) (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[jj] Frieling,
D.H.; Gordijn, H.; Piek, M.; en Tisma red. (2001) 'Deltanet DSS' (Delft) Habiforum.
[ll] Simonse, Merlijn (2000) (Delft) 3DTOP10, Integratie van TOP10vector
an het AHN (Delft) graduate study Geodesie supervised by prof. Oosterom
describes among other things this system of 3D-inventarization.
[mm] See Boo,
Marion de (2001) Een nieuw zicht op Delft (Delft) Delft Integraal 2001.3,
TUDelft. This project was
subsidized by LWI.
[nn] De Jong (maart 1999) Programma van eisen aan het Interactief Beeldarchief (IBA) (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT, see enclosure.
[pp] De Jong (2001-01-01) 'Het interactief beeldarchief (IBA) registratiefase' (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[qq] De Jong (2000-11-25) ImplementatieProjecten IBA(registratie) (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[rr] Ready by 1rst of july 2001
[ss] These are imported by hand until 1rst of july. Automatic input requires
more organizational effort.
[tt] Ready by 1rst of july 2001
[uu] From this project specifications
were not yet received.
[vv] This thought is derived from prof. Kristinsson. Critisizing the user
interface of contemporary mouse steered computers compared to an organ with
more than one keyboards.
[ww] De Jong (2001-01-01) 'Het interactief beeldarchief (IBA) registratiefase' (Delft) internal report Faculty of Architecture DUT
[xx] See Van Leeuwen (2000) Uitvoer Interactief BeeldArchief IBA (registratiedeel)
of the output programme, developed by F. Stelpstra (Delft) internal report
Faculty of Architecture DUT.
documentation is also largely inserted and kept maintained in the source codes.
[yy] De stipjes betekenen dat daarvoor in de plaats iets moet worden ingevuld, de onderstreepte stipjes betekent dat daarvoor een internet-adres (URL) moet worden ingevuld waarnaar wordt verwezen. Bij 'relatieve verwijzing' (verwijzing naar dezelfde directory waarin het beeld en zijn record staat opgeslagen) kan worden volstaan met de naam ban het bestand binnen de directory.
[zz] De thumbnail van het beeld heeft dezelfde naam als het beeld, voorafgegaan door een kleine t.
[aaa] Dubbeltellingen per beeld moeten softwarematig worden vermeden.
[bbb] De 's' wordt hier gebruikt om een onderscheid te maken met citeren in papieren publicaties.
[ccc] Daartoe moet een synomiemenlijst worden samengesteld waarin voor de meestgezochte woorden niet alleen synomiemen, maar ook vertalingen en alternatieve schrijfwijzen zijn opgenomen. Om een dergelijke lijst in de loop der jaren te laten groeien, worden de zoekopdrachten opgeslagen in een bestand dat regelmatig wordt rondgezonden met het verzoek synomiemen te leveren. Deze worden, ook als zij niet voor de hand lijken te liggen, maandelijks aan de synoniemenlijst toegevoegd. Tot de synomiemen van plaatsnamen behoren ook hun postcodes en omgekeerd.